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*flash back* He was drunk, mad, and yelling. My mom pulled him into the room. She was crying and they both were yelling. All I could here was my mom saying "YOU HAVE COME HOME DRUNK AND BROKE FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS YOU NEED TO STOP!" My dad had left that room and went into his bedroom. I was confused and didn't know what any of that meant I was only 7. He had came out ten minutes later, but this time with two suitcases a box and some money in his hand. He had calmed down some I could tell, but he put all of that stuff in his car came back in said good bye and kissed me on the forehead. That was the last I had ever heard from my dad.

"Sarah.. SARAH!"

"Uh what"

"Sarah Bryan since you have been paying attention so well tell me the answer to the problem" (class chuckles)

"Um... Its..four over 9a" I said proudly

"That is in... Correct.. It's correct. Well just because you got it right this time doesn't mean you will again..." Mrs. Barkley continued in a firm tone, "So do not sleep in my CLASS."

"Yes ma'am" I said with a tone of no fright


"Ahh.. Saved by the bell" I said under my breath.

"Hey Sarah, how was you nap in class" Justin said as he flip his wavy brown hair back and showed his beautiful blue eyes.

"It was better then listening to the old hag talk about math!"

"Good to know.. Not" Justin continued, "hey is it okay if tyler takes you home he lives near you and I have to do something for math after school."

"Yea sure!"

"He will have to pick you up and take you home tomorrow too!" Justin said sorrowly

"Ok! I'm fine with that!"

"Speaking of the devil here tyler is now!" Justin said yelling

"I knew y'all were talking about all this!" Tyler said proudly

"Ew ya weirdo, I gotta run catch y'all later!" Justin said as he walked away!"

"Hey beautiful, let me walk you to class!" Tyler said as he put is arm around me. "Tomorrow night there is a party at my place want to come, I bet Justin could get you there!"

"Sure" I had said that to soon to quick... I had never been to a party!

"Good and after some people were gunna spend the night after you should too beautiful!"

"Ok but stop calling me that."

" I can't I am a man that speaks the truth!"

"Whatever, see you later Tyler" I started walking into my next class then turned around and

saw Tyler's cute baseball butt walking away... :)


"The party is in two hours and I can't find anything to wear!!" I was almost screaming at myself.. "I need to look good..."

Finally I just had slapped on a pair of white high top converse, jean shorts, and a white crop top. "I'm hungry," I said as I went down stairs to grab a bite. My little brothers were there playing with there dinner. "Are you sure you won't need dinner?" My mom asked. "No ma'am" I said as I grabbed a piece of bread and some peanut butter. "I'm going to leave in about twenty minutes." I told my mom as I went up stair and dazed off...


Okay guys probably not much of you will be reading this but oh well! This is my very first story and I know the chapter was really short but I mean I don't like reading the same chapter for 15 pages! Make it short and sweet! That sounds weird but then again my first story. But if you are reading thanks and defiantly read the up coming chapters it gets good.

*sorry if there are any typos*

I will try and post my next couple chapters later today!

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