Chapter 13 - Leonardo's Cabinet Of Wonders

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Just Outside The Third Class Compartment, Deep In The Belly Of The HMS Majestic, 9:30 P.M, 81st Day Of Spring

Finnegan and the Head Steward peeked around a corner of a narrow passageway, just across from the gate to the Third Class compartment, deep in the belly of the ship. There, stationed directly in front of the iron gate to the compartment was a black armored Henchman, guarding the entrance. His fishbowl helmet nearly touched the low ceiling as he stood his post, waiting for a hint of action.

Around them, the ship's alarm bell rang out its warning tone relentlessly. The smell of smoke had snaked its way down to this part of the ship, and here and there, the commotion of running passengers and Henchman could be seen and heard. Finn took one more look at the hulking figure in front of the entrance that he needed to get through and slumped against the wall in back of him in a posture of defeat. He had been in many scrapes like this before in his adventures with The Station Master, but this time felt different somehow. Something about how The Station Master looked and sounded when he was taken by The Man In The Brown Hat seemed more final than in past episodes. Finn lowered his head and let out a small sigh.

"He knows where I'm heading."

The Head Steward, an amused look on his face, peeked around the corner once more before replying.

"Young man, what is to become of this world of ours if the next generation gives up so easily? In my day we were taught to do our duty no matter the obstacle in front of us. Are we going to let one ridiculously dressed ruffian keep us from our goal? I should say not!"

Finnegan looked at the Head Steward in wonder for a second before replying.

"What do you propose we do?"

The Head Steward looked around the narrow passageway and spied a food cart, laden with food from that evening's feast.

"I propose that I should do my duty and deliver dinner to the guests in that compartment. After all, didn't you request a meal?"

"That's right, I did," said Finn, getting to his feet. "Should I hide in the bottom of the cart?"

"No," said the Head Steward, laughing softly. "We need do nothing that dramatic. Just take this and give me a few seconds to work my magic."

He handed Finn a large key that had hung from a chain around his neck, and then straightened his bowtie and tuxedo jacket, adjusted the white gloves on his hands dusted off his shoulders, and proceeded to wheel the food cart out into the open area of the Third Class compartment.

Just before the Head Steward rounded the corner Finn grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.

"Wait! Why are you doing this for me? You should be up on deck with all those panicking passengers!"

"I shall soon be, young man. But let's just say that Leo is an old friend of mine, too."

As he said this, The Head Steward pointed with a white-gloved finger to a small, metal pin in the shape of a train on the lapel of his black, tuxedo jacket, and smiled.

"Oh, I see," said Finn, smiling and taking his hand off the man's shoulder. "It seems that Leo makes friends wherever he has gone in this world."

"That is correct, young man," said the Head Steward, resuming his place at the back of the food cart. "Just see that you carry on the mission that you have been sent on. I was once in a battle with my regiment on the plains of the Serengeti in Africa. We lost most of our men, good friends of mine, brothers really...but we stood our ground and saw the day through. I expect no less than that from you."

With that, the Head Steward rounded the corner, started whistling a jaunty tune and headed directly for the Henchman guarding the entrance to the Third Class compartment.

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