Chapter 7

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Okay this chapter took me around 5-7 hours to make? I think or maybe longer.... All I know is that I stayed up till 4 AM making this.... I really REALY REALLY  hope you enjoy! :D ~ Lone

P.S. We don't own anything mentioned in teh story except for ourselves! 


Lone’s P.O.V. ( I’m terrible at third person xDDDD )

“ It’s not her, let’s move on.” Madara said as he started to leave the room.

“ Wait a second, Madara.” I said as I went toward the voice, “ Are you hurt?”

“ A-a-a little...” the voice replied.

“ Did Orochimaru experiment on you?” I asked.

“ Y-y-yes... Are you going to do the same?!” the voice shouted.

“ No. Let’s go... Everyone.” I exited the room, “ Neji?”

“ There’s another one, two hallways away from here.” Neji replied as he stepped into the hallway.

“ Let’s go then.” Sasuke said.


“ Okay let’s see if this is the one.....” I murmured as I opened the door, “ Kathy?”

“ Kill.... I need to kill....” a voice eerily spoke.

“ Uh.... We should leave her be....” Sasuke said.

“ Wait.... Did Orochimaru do this to you?”

“ Orochimaru! …. Kill.... Kill for him... he commands me to... KILL!” the voice screamed as it tried to get to me.

Frightened I ran out of the room immediately.

“ HOLY CRAP! That was freakin’ scary!!!!” I shouted.

“ Neji, anymore?” Sasuke asked.

“ Yeah, two of them. Their here just four doors to the right.”

“ Hopefully one of them is her.” Madara said as he started walking to the door.

“ Two of them in the same room?” I questioned as I followed Madara.

“ No.” Neji replied, “ but there right next to each other.”

I opened the first door, “ Kathy?”

“ SPACE.... SPACE.... I want to go to space.... SPACE!!!!!!!!” A male voice replied.

“ What the hell....?” Sasuke said.

“ Space? You want to go to space?” I asked.

“ WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!! SPACE!!!” The voice replied.

“ I can take you there......” I quietly said.

“ How are you going to do that?” Sasuke questioned.

“ Just close your eyes....” I whispered to him as I took out a kunai.

“ I’M IN SPACE!!!!!!!!!!” he replied.

I slit his throat then walked out of the room.

“ Wow....” Sasuke said as he followed me out of the room, “ That was probably the most merciful thing you could have done for that man....”

“ Exactly.....” I went to he next door and opened it, “ Kathy?”

“ One 18.25 ounce package chocolate cake mix. One can prepared coconut pecan frosting. Three slash four cup vegetable oil. Four large eggs. One cup semi-sweet chocolate chips. Three slash four cups butter or margarine. One and two third cups granulated sugar. Two cups all purpose flour. Don’t forget garnishes such as: Fish shaped crackers. Fish shaped candies. Fish shaped solid wastes. Fish shaped dirt. Fish shaped ethyl benzene.” the man recited.

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