hounds part 2

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As you and Wilson are running for your lives from the hounds you are able to pick up a rock and chuck it at one of the hounds and it got the hound directly in the eye and the hound died instantly. "Good hit find more rocks we can get the other two said Wilson with a bit of fear in his voice. As you look around for rocks you see a pile of rocks in the distance and run towards them and scooped up as many as you could carry, as you make your way back to help Wilson you see him being hit by one but the other two where dead. "Hang on Wilson I'm coming don't you worry" you said heroically. As soon as you got close enough to the hound you threw every rock you had and killed the hound. "Thank God there dead, are you ok Wilson?" You ask as Wilson comes over to you. "Ya I'm fine I have killed lots of those I'm just not good at it" Wilson says as he rubs his arm. " well we better get back to base before it gets dark" you say, Wilson nods on agreement.

Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't put a new chapter up in almost a year I will be posting more don't you worry anyways enjoy love u all 💖💖 peace.

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