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Yoongi speaks up, having now cleared his voice and calmed down. "Lets go to the hotel hm?"

And Jimin smiles, standing up, holding out his hand as they walk back together

When they arrive at the room, they press their lips together. Sharing passion and love

Jimin crawls into the sheets with his husband beside him. Yoongi hold jimin to his chest and snuggles his face into Jimins neck. He breathes in his scent and listens to the soft breathing of Jimin



"I love you"

Jimin smiles "I love you too, so much"

"Jimin please don't ever leave me. I'd die if you were ever gone. So please stay"

Jimin nods as Yoongi places one last kiss on his lips

They're both happy. The atmosphere is different, and they can feel the change. They both drift off to sleep, knowing that everything was going to be okay. 

Yoongi didn't have a job, but that was okay. All that mattered was that he had his orange haired husband beside him. And if anything, Jimin could get him a job in the restaurant, but he didn't worry about it. 

They both knew as long as they had each other nothing could ever go wrong. Yes, marriage isn't always perfect but they were going to survive the hardships together. 

Hand in hand, everything was going to be perfect 


End :)

lmao this story sucks. If you've read this far, I just wanna say 

I love you :) 

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