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What I ask of you, faithful reader, is to do as these characters did. Just because they are made up, doesn't mean you cannot lead by their example.

Do Stefan did. Not to go off and save a civilization, but to fulfill what you aspire. You are a warrior waiting to fight. Why put off the adventure that calls to you? Seek it. Only you can make your life meaningful.

Do as Sandra did, and find happiness from within and share that with those around you. Don't rely on others to find joy. Staying joyful is a power that you hold within you. All you need to do is use it.

Do as Sophia did, and, if you are not able to help, find someone who can. Never give up. Do all that you can do, not that you want to do. Nothing is too little in a dire situation.

You only get one life. Why waste it?

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