A/N & Excerpt

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Hi all, I've finally managed to get the inspiration needed to write this along with the nagging from you lovelies. This, meaning Lexi's story and no, it does not include Trevor in any way.

It'll focus on Mikael and Lexi.

Yes, Mikael Carson from LAC.

Why? Because I feel that Lexi as an individual deserves someone better than someone who has never seen her worth from the start. In my opinion, Lexi deserves someone who would never doubt her worth and would appreciate her the way she is and plus, she needs someone mature in her life. From this, she'll be able to grow into herself.

Lexi doesn't need an immature guy who is only interested in his latest fling. Furthermore, too much has happened for them to be together in any way.

Hence, my decision to write Mikael as Lexi's love interest. I know this will disappoint many of you but I hope you'll still enjoy this. I foresee this book having 20-25 chapters? Fortunately, I already have the whole plot roughly lined out and updates will only begin in March 2018. Furthermore, it'll be written in first person view which I'll admit to not being very good at, but oh wells.

I hope all of you will enjoy this last instalment of the FFAW series. :)



P.S. Could you guys suggest actors/actresses to play Lexi and Mikael?

* * *

I could feel my jaw drop and before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "You're kidding."

Mikael - whose name really did suit him - grinned and I could feel how my heart seemed to stutter at how handsome he was when he did so. "No, I can assure you I'm not," he stated firmly.

"I-I can't," I stammered.

"Could I at least have your name?"

I chewed on my lower lip, mind racing to come up with a fake name. And of course, the name that came into my mind was Kat's.


"Katherine," Mikael repeated doubtfully and I nodded convincingly, my head nodding crazily like a ruined doll.

"Katherine..." I paused trying to think of a believable surname. My mind was racing and I blurted out, "Katherine Kolosova." I finished lamely before giving him another tight smile before making my way off.

At every step I took, I resisted taking another glance at Mikael and I could definitely feel the regret blooming in me for not accepting his number or his invite. But how could I? I wasn't the fun-loving type nor was I the interesting chatty sort that I tried to portray earlier.

Surely someone like Mikael wouldn't be interested in someone like me. I was just plain sensible boring Lexi. Guys like Mikael would always be interested in girls that were livelier, more fun. Girls like Kat.

If you can't even attract Trevor in any way, what makes you so sure that you can even keep anyone's attention? Especially someone highly sought after like Mikael?

I bit my lip. No, it was just better for me to stay in my comfortable bubble. 

At Long Last (#5 FFAW) | ongoingWhere stories live. Discover now