Chapter 3 Never trust a Queen except Thea Queen

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When I entered Queen Consolidated I was very tense.
"Hi Laurel." Felicity snuck up behind me.
"Ahh. Oh god Felicity are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I asked her while trying to catch my breath.
"No god no Laurel I was just wondering if you knew why Oliver has been acting weird since you came by the other day. Did he act weird at all?" She asked kindly.
"Actually he did kinda say a few weird things and tried to do something weird. Just please don't tell Oliver what I'm about to tell you." I said cautiously.
"Okay Laurel I can handle it." She said shakily.
"He said he still likes me and Sara. Then he tried to kiss me." I told her. She started crying.
"I'll tell him I hacked the cameras and saw and heard every word he said to you. Wait I have one question. Did either of you kiss?" She asked terrified of the answer.
"When he tried to kiss me I pushed him away because your engaged and well your my friend Felicity." I told her she smiled and said.
"I'll be right back I have to go dump his sorry butt." She was hurt though and I couldn't blame her. Her fiancé tried to cheat on her. At that moment Thea Queen came in.
"Thea oh my god how have you been?" I asked.
"Good Laurel I just came by to talk to the future Mrs. and Mr. Queen about some important stuff." Thea said. At that moment Felicity ran by crying. Oliver ran by and didn't even pay attention to his sister.
"Wow still he doesn't even see me." Thea said.
"Felicity I promise I didn't try to cheat on you with Laurel. Your my one and only." He had lied and all three knew it.
"Then Oliver what do you call it when your engaged to someone then tell their friend that you still love her and her sister then try to kiss her?" I asked him angrily.
"Laurel it's called getting your feelings off your chest. I would never betray my fiancé." He yelled at me.
"I don't believe you Oliver you broke both mine and Sara's hearts. After you got both of us pregnant." It popped out my mouth. They all stood their shocked.
"I'm a father?" He asked happily.
"He's a father? Oliver why didn't you tell me or your sister?" Felicity asked angrily. Thea just stood with her arms crossed and shook her head.
"Felicity don't blame him I never told him because I was gonna tell him but then I found out he cheated on me with Sara. When my daughter was born I gave her to an adoption agency." At that moment a five year old girl came in and looked at us.
"Hi what's your name?" I asked her.
"Hi my name's Janelle. I'm looking for a lady named Laurel Lance." She said my pulse quickened fast.
"I'm Laurel Lance is their something I can help you with?" I asked her. I knew in my gut she was my daughter.
"Mommy!" She shouted. I started crying happily as I picked her up.
"Janelle shouldn't you be with your adoptive parents?" I asked before I saw the bruises covering her body. At that moment two people walked in.
"I'm sorry our adoptive daughter decided to run off again to try to find her birth mom." They said. They looked really shady.
"I'm her birth mom. Are these bruises on my daughter from you two?" I asked angrily.
"When she runs off like this we tie her in her room then beat her so yes." They said.
"Until you get a court date she will be with me. Because you just explained that you abuse her. You will be seen in court." I told them. They angrily walked out of the building.
"Oh by the way Oliver one here's the papers for that thing also this is your daughter Janelle. Janelle this is your dad. Now wanna go meet your aunt Sara then we'll go meet grandpa." I told her happily.

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