Chapter 2 Web of Lies

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"Sara the craziest thing happened when I went to Queen Consolidated today." I told Sara when I got home.
"What sis?" Sara asked.
"Oliver still likes both of us." I told her while I paced around the kitchen nervously. I was freaking out about Oliver. She stared at me thinking I was joking.
"Are you serious Laurel?" Sara asked me.
"I'm serious. Ollie literally stared at me. He looked me in the eyes. Then he tried to kiss me before I left." I told her as I came into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. We collapsed on the couch getting ready to watch a movie.
"So what movie did you pick out?" I asked Sara.
"We're watching a tv show actually. It's Fuller House." Sara said. I smiled as Sara and I started the episode. We sang the song from the opening credits. We are not good singers but it was hilarious.
"We need to talk about what you said when you got home Laurel. Do you still like Ollie?" Sara asked me nervously.
"It depends Sara do you?" I was terrified of her reply but I asked anyways.
"Of course I still like him. He was my first boyfriend." She said like it was the biggest deal of our lives.
"Yeah and most of your relationship was while we were dating. I was at college and you guys went onto the Queens Gambit and well you know. That was probably the biggest mistake you ever made. I know that he got you pregnant right after he got me pregnant." I shouted at her.
"How did you know he got me pregnant?" She asked with her head down in shame.
"I'm a lawyer. Plus you say a lot when your asleep." I told her. Then she quickly stared at me and asked.
"Did you say that you were pregnant???" She asked me angrily.
"No I never said that." I lied very unconvincingly.
"Ok so your lying right now Laurel." Sara said.
"Maybe I am. I don't care my ex boyfriend got my sister pregnant!" I said angrily.
"Does he know that you got pregnant?" I asked her kindly as I hugged her tightly.
"He never knew because I lost the baby when the boat went down." She said while she was crying. I hugged her tightly. She cried for an hour. I didn't leave her side though. When she finished crying we spent the rest of the night watching tv.

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