Another Author note

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Hey everyone!! Just a quick update so you all know i'm not dead. Though, I have been replying to comments so maybe you all already knew I wasn't dead... Anyway! Sorry that Chapter 10 is taking so so so long to come out, I swear, I'm being productive! But to tell you the truth, aha, I haven't... started?? Aha... ok uh please don't witch hunt me... But! I have a valid excuse! Okay, maybe I don't but um... So It is not a case of writer's block, because I've been writing this other story, to myself... it's um.. I don't want to post it because then everyone will think I'm a Mary Sue or a bad person and you guys will hate me?? and unfollow me and i'll have no career here anymore? Yeah. Um. But anyways, I've been unsure of how to write Chapter 10 for this... so um... I know how to start it, but I don't know what else to add? So?? Should I like, go by the game? Or.. um... give me ideas!! Please!! I'll give you guys something special if you please please help! So ah, yeah... and um, if you're curious about that um personal story?? I've been writing?? And you want me to post it?? You're gonna have to convince me because I will be embarrassed. Um, of course you guys probably don't care about that.. ah, anyways.. I'll try to write again when I um... get inspiration? Thanks! Uh, until next time!

My Lil Devil- Bendy x Fem!ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum