Chapter 7

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It was dark out, and your (e/c) eyes could not adjust. You couldn't tell what was around you, you couldn't feel the ground under your feet. You tried moving your arms, but it seemed they were heavy, they wouldn't move, as if weighed down by something. You opened your mouth to let out a scream, but instead got a mouthful of something sticky, and gross. Was this ink? You looked around, trying to find a way out, until something happened. Two arms appeared above you, coming in through the ink, reaching down towards you. You struggled to get to the hands, maybe they would save you! The hands grabbed you by your shoulders, and began easily dragging you upwards, as if you were as light as a feather. You were freed from the ink, and you tried to thank your savior, as you spluttered and spit out the ink.

"Th-thank yo-" Your praise stopped when your eyes landed on the one who was still holding you up by your shoulders. It was Sammy. But, he looked different. His body was made entirely of ink, he wore large baggy overalls, and a Bendy mask on his face. You gasped, unsure of what Sammy had become.

"S-Sammy, what happened to you?" This new Sammy just stared. After what seemed like forever, he finally leaned closer to you, whispering in your ear.

"You'll make a great sacrifice to our lord and savior." Then he plunged his hand through your chest.  You screamed. And screamed.

You screamed, sitting up in your bed. Your face was sweating furiously and you were gripping the covers so tight, your knuckles were turning white. You stopped screaming and stared down at the covers, panting.

"That was a horrible nightmare..." Just then, you heard footsteps pounding up the stairs and towards your room. The door slammed open and there stood Bendy, panicked.

"Y/N!! What's wrong?! Are you okay?!" You stared at him, your chest still pounding.

"I-I'm fine Bendy. Just.. Just a nightmare." You smiled at him, moving the covers off your legs and getting out of bed. Bendy was shirtless, though you couldn't understand why, as it was nearing winter, but you sure as hell didn't mind. He had the best build. You walked past him, flashing him a smile, before walking downstairs, the demon following behind, his tail swishing back and forth. You noticed there was mail by your door, and you walked over to pick it up. You and Bendy walked over to the couch, sitting down side by side as you shuffled through the mail, and Bendy peered nosily at the letters.

"Trash.. Trash.. Bill.. Trash.. Letters from mom.. And.. What's this?" Your eyebrow raised as you stared at the unfamiliar brown envelope in your hand. It seemed to be stained with ink, and the name was smudged. You turned it over and opened it, pulling out a yellow letter.

"Sleep sleep sleep, my little sheep. Rest your head, it's time for bed. In the morning, you may wake, or in the morning, you'll be dead... What does that mean?" Bendy glared suspiciously at the note, but couldn't place it.

"I dunno, just throw it away, it's probably nothin." You nodded and tossed it to the side, in the trash pile. You'd decided you would read the letter from your mom later. You instead stood, to go take a shower.

"I'm going to go get ready for work, you get ready as well, because I'll take you with me today." Bendy nodded, and ran down to the basement to put some clothes on. You quickly walked to the bathroom and shut the door, turning on the shower and stripping yourself of your clothes. As you stepped into the warm shower to wash yourself, you couldn't help but feel that something bad was going to happen today. After your shower, you got dressed in your normal work clothes, grabbed your bag and coat, and walked downstairs. Bendy was dressed in one of the first outfits you got him, a white blouse with black suspenders, black dress pants and a black bowtie. You smiled at him and the two of you walked outside, the demon heading to your car as you locked the house door. Afterwards, you walked to the driver's side of the car, getting in and fastening your seatbelt, before placing the key in the ignition and starting it up. Bendy excitedly looked out the window as the two of you began your drive to your workplace, he always enjoyed the car rides. After you reached the building, the two of you hopped out of the car and headed towards the studio. You and Bendy walked in, and Bendy immediately slunk into the shadows, formed into an ink puddle, and snuck away. After all, no one was supposed to know that he was alive. You smiled as you walked into the workshop, greeting everyone, but something immediately felt wrong. A certain, bubbly girl wasn't here. Where's Suzie? You looked around for the blonde, but didn't see hair nor hide of the excited girl. You quickly walked over to your other friend, Henry, to ask for details.

"Hey Hen, where's Suzie?" Henry turned to you, a sad look in his brown eyes.

"You left early yesterday, so you didn't hear. But a while after you left, Joey called Suzie to his office, and a bit later, she ran out, crying. She got her stuff, and left. Y/n, I think she was fired. And then this new girl came, her names, Allison Pendle, and she's replacing Suzie." Your eyes grew sad as well, and you looked down at the ground.

"Oh, poor Suzie.. I'll miss her. I know! Let's go to her house after work and cheer her up!" Henry nodded and smiled, agreeing. After chattering a bit longer, yourself and Henry parted ways, you heading to your office, and Henry elsewhere. On your way, you passed the music department, and could hear Sammy composing new music. You shuddered, remembering your nightmare from last night, and quickly hurried past. After reaching your office room, you sighed and sat down, pulling out your pens and papers. You began to sketch, drawing anything that may be a good idea for the show.


After a while, it was lunch break, and you walked out of your office to go get a coffee. You were almost to the door, when a voice caught your attention.

"Y/n, may I speak to you?" Joey Drew called. You turned to Starr back at the man, your vision switching from the last of the employees walking out of the building, to your boss. Henry, who had been walking with you, gave you a small smile, waving you off as if telling you it would be alright. You soon gave in and followed Joey back to his office, the eyes of a certain ink demon following you the whole way. Once in the office, Joey gestured for you to take a seat, which you didn. The man was a mess, his hair sticking every which wah, his eyes red and baggy, he was covered in ink smudges and stains. Joey took a seat in his own chair and stared at you.

"Y/n, before I tell you this, I would like you to know that your performance these past months has been exceptional, beyond exceptional, but it's not enough. You're very talented Y/n, and you'll get enough pay to last you at least a year, but, I'm sorry. You're fired." Your (e/c) eyes widened in disbelief and your hands gripped the edge of your skirt.

"Wh-what?! B-but.. Mr. Drew, I-I love this job! You said it yourself, I'm beyond exceptional!" Joey then grew a glare on his face, and slammed his hands on the desk as he stood up.

"My word is final! You're fired, now go home! And..." His voice quieted down, as he took his seat once more.

"Bendy is staying here."

My Lil Devil- Bendy x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now