Chapter 2

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Victoria noticed Marcus staring in her direction. The look on his face was priceless. Well she thought, it serves him right. He was too stubborn for his own good.

It had been weeks now since she saw him at Waverley Hall. He hadn't bothered to visit her once. Of course she knew why. The man was keeping his distance. He still viewed her as the little girl who needed his protection. Well she wasn't a child anymore, and she certainly didn't need a protecter.

She opened her fan and covered her face to look his way once again. She had to stifle a giggle. Marcus didn't look happy at all. His fist were clenched at his side's and he was shooting daggers her way. She lowered her fan as Lord Dander's interrupted her perusal.

"I say Ms. O'Brien, are you even listening? Lady Penelope has invited us all on a picnic this weekend. Will you not join us?"

"Why I would be delighted, Lord Danders. It's very kind of you to include me as well, Lady Penelope," Victoria commented as she looked at the girl.  The debutantes venomous look didn't go unoticed, as she hid behind her smug smile and nodded her head in response. Victoria knew the invitation was not intended to include her, as Penelope hated her. Victoria was a merchants daughter after all, not aristocracy. Needless to say, Penelope Ashcroft was a snob, and she wanted Lord Dander's all to herself. Unfortunately it was obvious that Dander's had already set his cap for Victoria. That fact didn't exactly ingratiate her in the ladies eye's. The poor man was fated to have his heart broken however, as Victoria didn't care very much for him. He was a bit too foppish for her taste.

The man Victoria wanted.....Was heading her way? Time to turn up the charm, she mused.

"I believe it's getting rather warm in here. Lord Dander's, would you be so kind as to escort me to the balcony?"

Dander's nearly leapt out of his shoes to oblige. "Yes, certainly Miss. O'Brien. The pleasure would be all mine. Shall we?" He said as he held out his arm for her to accept. However, they didn't get two steps before they progress was cut off by Johnathon.

"Dander's," he greeted. "Victoria, I was just coming to retrieve you. I'm afraid it's time to leave. I promised Shannon we wouldn't stay late, you know how she worries?"

Victoria cocked a questioning brow at her brother-in-law, but went along with his little fib. Although Shannon was prone to worry, she was most adamant that they stay out late and enjoy themselves, as it was her only time to relax.

Victoria knew that Johnathon was driving her sister mad with his incessant hovering. She loved him dearly, but the man tended to fuss whenever she was close to delivering one of their children. This being their third child Shannon had thought he would mellow a little, sadly he had not. So Shannon came up with ways to divert his attention, tonight's chaperoning assignment being one of them. That being concluded, she assumed he had good reason for wanting to leave so suddenly. Her assumptions were confirmed seconds later, when she looked out of the corner of her eye and noticed Marcus standing nearby, watching them.

So she thought, Johnathon was trying to avoid a scene. She couldn't blame him really. The scandal their family had been through already, was more than enough. Things were finally starting to get back to normal for her after five years away. Of course, there were those who talked like Penelope Ashcroft, but most of the ton had put it behind them.

They had Johnathon's best friend Alex, the Duke of Pemberton to thank for that. It also didn't hurt that her sister-in-law Marioselle, was cousin to the queen. Formidable people to have in ones corner. Yet, even so, they didn't need Victoria to cause anymore trouble and set the tongues to wagging. She was quite sure that Fist-a- cuffs over a lady would most certainly do just that. So she feigned disappointment , and said her goodbyes, with promises to meet up at the Ashcrofts picnic.

Johnathon retrieved her cloak and they headed out to the carriage. Neither of them said a word until they were seated inside.  As soon the horses bolted forward Victoria looked to Johnathon. 


"What," he replied innocently."

"Would you care to tell me what that little scene back there was all about? Or do I need to guess?"

"I'm am quite certain Victoria, that you are well aware of what that back there, was all about.  I must warn you young lady, if you continue with this course of action, the man will quite literally start leaving bodies lying in his wake. He was practically frothing at the mouth tonight. Had I not intervened, that fop Dander's would be six feet under. What ever were you thinking?"

"It's not my fault the man is so stubborn. What pray tell Johnathon, is a woman to do? You know as well as I do that the man cares for me. However, until he stops seeing me as a child and a victim, he will never admit it. He's your friend, can't you talk some sense into his head?"

"Do you not think I've tried? He doesn't think himself worthy of you, so until then he will dig his heels in and continue to see you as such."

"Worthy? Why in the world would he think of such a thing? I come from a merchants family. I would be penniless had it not been for the dowry you settled on me. I am no better than him or anyone else."

"Victoria, do you know anything about Marcus' past? Where he comes from?"

"No, and I do not care. I know the man he is now, and since the day he saved me. Where he comes from matters not to me. He is your friend, Johnathon. Do you not believe he is good enough for me as well?"

"What I believe is not in question here. This has to do with what he believes. Talk to him Victoria. Get to know the man, not the hero you have worshiped all these years. Maybe then you will understand."

The coach came to a stop in front of the townhouse and the tiger opened the door. "I suppose you are right, it couldn't hurt to try a new approach, and honestly all of this flirting to make him jealous is quite tiring."

Johnathon replied as he handed her down from the coach. "I couldn't agree more. I'm getting to old to run interference for you. If you continue this campaign I'll have to send for reinforcements."

Victoria laughed as they entered the hall, then kissed Johnathon's cheek. "You can retire old man, I promise to behave." With that said, she bid him goodnight.

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