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Klaus looked at the Trio with a confuzzled look, putting his hand on his chin

Klaus: Who are they? I haven't seen them before...

Me: U-Uh... I think they are students as

Elias: Are you sure? We would have known them al-

The boys then all stopped for a bit and sparkling particles twirled around their heads. They then blinked for a second

I looked at them confused

Azusa: Oh, Cerim is the mysterious Handsome student in the Fortitudo class!

Yukiya suddenly walks in

Yukiya: So...I'm not the mysterious handsome student?

Luca: You're just quiet Snickers*

Klaus: Ahem* Guy is the "popular" athletic wizard amongst the students, while Leo was just suddenly assigned to be a student by Headmaster Randolph.

Me: blinks Well that's one heck of a description...

Vincent: Well since they're here, They might be able to help us to why we came to this world

Vincent smiles as the other boys agreed

Me: Uh....first, Get yourselves ready for the day.

Elias: Yes, let's all wash up.

They go off their ways, To prep up

To be continued~

Shall We Date?: Wizardess Heart In Real Life OMGWhere stories live. Discover now