What's At The Door?

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I hear knocking on the door, feeling irritated, and tired

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I hear knocking on the door, feeling irritated, and tired

Me: Uugh! What Now!? I open the door with force what do you wa- huh?

I stare blankly at the 8 men on my porch, confused I tilt my head

Klaus: Helloooo Is anyone in there? He pokes my forehead, almost making fall back

Me: hey! What was that for!? I say rubbing my forehead

Randy: Hello! He jumps up in front of me

Vincent: sighs as he slaps his and to his face ........

Azusa: May we ask you something?

Me: um sure......Thinks: man these guys are hot! but they seem familiar...

Elias: we need to figure out how we got here, and we all lost our wands and Azusa has lost his Hinomoto magic. Also Joel and Vincent can't cast magic either so we don't know how to-

Luca: Booorriing!! Shouts out on purpose

Me: sighs well I guess you guys are stuck here.....Thinks: Yup I knew it... come in

They come through the door, into my house

Randy: Whoa! Nice House! Twirls around like a child

Me: um thanks.....Thinks: Hm....I guess it's awesome too that they're now here SQUEE!!

Luca: Not too bad for someone who lives alone grins

Joel: stop being rude....

Me: you guys can sit on the couch if you like...

Vincent: oh? thanks I'll take the offer Sits on it

Randy: woohoo! jumps on the couch wow! it's squishy!

Azusa: hehe you're gonna kill the couch you know..... sits down on the couch

Klaus: Picks up my phone what is this?

Me: that is called an iPhone....

I don't wanna ramble on what an iPhone is because you all know what it is already XD

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