Letter K: "Kenzi and the Kelp Kerfuffle"

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*Sequel to the story "Humanity", from THE SUGGESTION BOX, VOL. 3: ONE THOUSAND WORDS [https://www.wattpad.com/366833783-the-suggestion-box-volume-3-one-thousand-words ]

In a kilosecond, Denevar had crossed the river, the cave, and now stood beside Kenzi. His gleaming eyes swept over her uniform as he picked up her right hand.

"Ah, First Officer, I see. Is this your first assignment?"

Kenzi sneered and pulled her hand away. "No, I have had other assignments."

Denevar slipped between Kenzi and waved with a frown at Latisha. The young mermaid slipped back under the water as if he had pushed her.

"You'll have to forgive the little fish-girl for frightening you. She was just kidding about everything. I am not a wizard; I am only a hermit. Latisha just likes to frighten new guests." He gestured to a well-lit hallway leading back further into the mountain. "Shall we retire into the kitchen?"

Kenzi took one last glance at the terrified mermaid in the pool, and followed her host.

"So," Denevar continued casually, "What brings you to Kennia, First Officer..."

"Kenzi," she answered automatically. "And I didn't mean to land here. The navigation globe on my ship got damaged, and I have to wait seventy-two hours for the repair cycle." She checked her chrono; there were thirty hours left. She looked around as they entered a cavern full of the same multicolored quartz casting a kaleidoscope of colors over the dark stone. "Where did you say this was?"

Denevar sat with a sigh at a small table. With a wave of his hand, he invited Kenzi to join him. "The Ancient People called it Kennia, or somesuch. Apparently in their day it was nothing but a bare desert place," he gestured toward the outside access, where Kenzi remembered seeing large trees and verdant undergrowth.

"Hang on," she waved a hand. "Ancient People?"

Denevar nodded. "Yes; you know, our ancestors?"

Kenzi blinked. She recalled the lessons on ancient history mentioning something about the first Settlers who made their home among the stars, having traveled across the galaxy to escape their polluted home planet.

"This is Earth?" She asked incredulously, looking back the way they had come.

"Of course it is," Denevar nodded, reaching for a bowl where strange green and yellow bits peeked out from among small, deep-green shreds. "May I offer you a salad? It's kale, kumquats, and kiwi."

Kenzi frowned at the jumble of strange foods, but if it was from Earth, like the whole human population of the Galactic Settlement, then it couldn't actually be harmful, could it?

She tried a bite, letting the intense flavor and the sharp tang envelope her tastebuds.

"This is amazing!" She scarfed down more salad. "We don't have anything like this back on the Settlement!"

Denevar chuckled. "Tell you what, in return for spending time with me while you wait for the chrono to mend, I'd like to send you back with cargo your kin will appreciate." He paused, "That is, if you have room in your hull."

Kenzi tensed. What was he getting at? "That depends on what it is," she hedged.

Denevar chuckled. "Oh, it's nothing dangerous, trust me! Let me show you."

He reached toward the counter beside the ice box and selected a small box. Kenzi watched him lift the lid carefully, then wrinkled her nose at the musty, tangy kind of smell she almost didn't recognize.

The Suggestion Box, Vol. 4: A to Z ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now