Stream of Moans

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The lunch room went completely silent.

I felt a pair of soft lips moving against my frozen ones, and my eyes were wide open in shock. I held my breath and my mind raced trying to figure out what the actual flying fuck was happening.

He came of my lips and smirked at me. I simply stared at him wide eyed before my blank state turned into a soul piercing glare.

So simply, I rose my knee up and slammed it into his balls.

The entire lunch room gasped in shock and some guys groaned as if they felt it. Blake's face scrunched up in pain and he let out a groan of agony before falling to the floor. I stepped away from him with a frown.

I looked towards Alia and Clayton and saw them staring at me in shock. I sighed and gave in to my sympathetic side. I spun around to see Val helping Blaze up. He looked at me with a smirk as Blaze whimpered in pain.

Trent got up and walked towards me. I looked at him in fear and turned around, ready to bolt outta the place.

Suddenly, I was over someone's shoulder. Judging from the tree trunk thighs I saw, it was Trent. I squealed as he started walking out of the lunch room, following a smirking Val and groaning Blake. I looked up from Trent's back and saw Vinny clearing out the lunch room.

As the whispering and shocked teens dispersed, I saw Alia and Clayton getting shoved out by Vinny, looking worried. I gave them a shaky reassuring smile before they were pushed completely out of sight.

I swung back and forth on Trent's back silently as we walked to what I guess was their dorm. I looked up at Vinny who smiled at me. I rose an eyebrow at first, then nervously smiled back. I slumped back and continued swinging about on Trent's back.

A few minutes later, we arrived at a dorm. I heard the door open and sighed when Trent entered. I was gently set on my feet and looked up at Trent with a glare when the door closed. He scoffed and rolled his eyes at me. I did the same and saw the corner of his lip quirk up in a smirk.

I spun around to see Blaze stick a bag of frozen peas down his pants. He hissed and shuddered slightly, then glared at Val when he chuckled at his friends pain.

Vinny fell backwards into a bed in the corner of the room and immediately opened his computer to play some game I guess. Trent moved away from behind me and walked to a fridge, pulling out four beers. He threw one at Vinny, and Val, the three who gracefully caught them.

I heard someone clear their throat and looked to see Blaze glaring at me. I rose an eyebrow at him challengingly.

"What was that all about?" He asked me with a frown.

"You mean the swift kick in the balls?" I asked crossing my arms. I heard the rest of the guys stifle a laugh.

He nodded with a frown and slight pout, which may I say, made him look friggin adorable.

JESUS CHRIST! What am I thinking?!

"Oh I don't know... maybe cause you kissed me out of the blue?!" I replied exasperatedly.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I wanted to."

I rolled my eyes at the typical answer. "And what was with all that Italian you mumbled into my ear?" I asked.

His eyebrows rose in surprise. "How'd you know it was italian?"

"I took Italian in high school. Sucked big time at it, but know what it sounds like." I answered.

He nodded and motioned me to come closer with his fingers. I frowned in confusion as all the guys got up and walked out of the room, Val pouting slightly.

I walked towards him cautiously and ignored all the warning bells going off in my head. He got up and pulled me into his chest, and I gasped in surprise. He smirked and bent his head into the crook of my neck.

"So what's your name?" He mumbled against my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"F-Frost." I replied, my eyes wide.

He hummed against my neck and began to kiss it gently before sensually marking it, leaving me trembling in his arms.

This time, I knew what was happening, and I could definitely feel it. Lord, did I ever feel it.

I was aware and perfectly capable of stopping him, but instead, I just melted into the sexy specimen that was performing something I had never before felt on my neck.

His tongue massaged over my neck as he sucked the skin into his mouth. The shivers going down my spine were heart jolting, and I couldn't help the stream of moans that slipped out of my mouth.

He moved his head back and his arms were still wrapped around my waist. My chest heaved up and down as I stared at his pink, wet mouth that was curved in a smirk.

"What I said, my dearest Frost, is that you're mine."

After his baffling statement, he sat back in his chair and pulled me into his lap, where I squirmed slightly worried I was hurting him after the kick I gave. He held me down firmly and I froze when I felt something hard poking me through his jeans.

"You really don't want to do that." He whispered, his voice rough with lust.

I blushed and nodded, promising myself, no, swearing that I wouldn't move again.

The door opened and in came in a smiling Vinny, blank faced Trent, and pouting Val. I sat quietly as the three continued what they were doing. Trent threw a beer at Blaze, which he caught. He cracked it open and sipped from it quietly before handing it to me. I shook my head and handed it back to him remembering my promise.

No alcohol after what happened...

I sat in his lap as I quietly thought.

What did I just get myself into?

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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