La Tia Miniera

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2 weeks later.....

"Clay! We gotta go now!" I yelled as I pounded my fist on his dorm room door.

"Frost, it's no use, he's not coming out." Alia said to me, rolling her eyes.

Alia is my roommate. She and I have become close through out this week.

We had also gotten close to Clayton. He was the weird one in our group. I am the quirky one and Alia is the responsible one.

"I'm comi-Oof!" I heard Clay replying, ending with the bump.

"What happened now?" Alia asked impatiently.

"Owwy ow ow! I bumped my friggin' knee!" He said, bouncing around the apartment in pain.

I rolled my eyes and glanced at Alia for permission to knock in the door again. She sighed before rolling her eyes and pounding her fist on the door.

"Clay! Come on!" She yelled impatiently.

"I'm coming! Sheesh..." He yelled before opening the door and walking out of the room.

"Freakin finally!" I said to him as we began to walk down the dim hallway.

The smell of fresh food products filled the air as we walked into the loud, busy cafeteria.

Surrounding us were dozens of teenagers laughing and eating, making out and quarreling.

The popular table was filled with jocks and cheerleaders. The punk table was filled with emo kids. The music table was filled with harmonic teens.

And there it was.

The bad asses.

First, there's Trent Lockwood. Age 17. The Muscle.

Also, there's Valentino AKA 'Val' Green. Age 18. The flirt.

Victor AKA 'Vinny' Rodes. Age 16. The brains.

And the baddest bad ass of them all.

Blaze De Luca. Age 18. The Boss. The Italian mobster. The sexiest thing since Taylor Lautner.

We walked to our table and sat down with our crappy food.

Alia and Clay talked to each other loudly over the voices of the other students while I zoned out.

I thought about my life, my sister being the main thought.

My sister. I missed her so much.

Tears welled up at the back of my eyes, but I forced them back. I sniffed and picked at my vile food.

Finally giving up, I rolled my eyes and picked up my lunch, then began walking to the trash can.

I threw out my lunch and decided to make my way back to the table when a fight broke out.

"She's mine, I saw her first!" I heard a voice yell. A crowd began to form around the bad ass table.

"No! I called dibs!" I heard another voice yell.

My curiosity got the best of me and I decided to take a look.

When I cut through the crowd, I saw what was going on and my eyes widened.

Blaze had Valentino by the scruff of his shirt pinned up against the wall, and it was nothing but intimate.

"I don't give a fuck about dibs! She's fucking mine!" Blaze sneered into Valentino's face.

"Never!" Valentino yelled, not backing down from the fight.

My eyebrows furrowed as I thought as I wondered who in the hell could tear the Bro Code apart to pieces like that.

Who were they fighting over?

As they kept on yelling insults at each other, Blaze caught sight of me and froze.

I shivered as his eyes made contact with me and froze.

His brown pools of vision seemed to look into my soul with such an intensity, I took a step back.

Noticing my falter, he smirked and stalked my way. I backed up with every step he took and became cornered against one of the tables.

Like a fucking rat -_-

He smirked at me, before leaning in and nudging his nose against my cheek like a puppy.

I blushed furiously at the contact and tried to push him away.

The students whispered and murmured in awe at the sight before them.

The baddest bad boy and the new girl interacting.

"La Tia Miniera...." He whispered seductively into my ear.

I shivered as the Italian phrase rolled of his tongue into my ear.

God, his voice is a turn on.

I opened my mouth to ask him what he said before I was shut up when he roughly placed his lips on mine in a silencing kiss.

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