Dreams, Pancakes, and Books.

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I was running.

I wasn't sure what I was running from, but I had a feeling that if I stopped, I could be devoured. All I could see around me was dark swirling clouds and smoke, unknowing to where I was. Suddenly, out of the shadows, a brick wall is front of me. I stop running and look franticly for a way around it but found nothing. I look side to side only to find I'm trapped in. I walk forward and place my hand on the wall only to feel something wet and jump back. I alarmingly look at my hand, It's hard to see but there's something there. I put it right up to my face, a flash of lightning lights up the world for a split second and I'm startled to see a ruddiness on my hand. I look forward at the wall to see it covered in the red substance.


I stand in shock, mind blank on what to do. Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me. I'm too petrified to turn around but something grasps my shoulder firmly. I feel nails digging into my skin. I slowly turn around with my eyes closed, I don't want to know what's there. "Open your eyes, child." says a voice. I know this voice. This voice is the voice I never wanted to here again. Light Yagami. I slowly open my eyes to see a dark silhouette in front of me. I focus hard on the figure to see if it really is him. A startling clap a thunder accompanied with a flash of lightning occurs, but the light stays there, it focuses on his face like a spot light. I feel my mouth drop to the floor, and tears well up in my eyes.

"What's with that stupid expression?", he says with a blank stare. "I would expect you to jump into my arms with glee." I stand in silence, waiting for the words to come. "Y-You." Is all I can manage with tears flowing down my cheeks. "Why do you stand there? Crying like a child. Don't you want your revenge?" His smirk slightly widens. I slowly get my strength back. I know what to say now.

"Why…..?" "WHY DID YOU DECEIVE DADDY LIKE THAT!" I scream with an unexpected volume. Light's smirk doesn't change. "Because, he was just a pawn. Used for my plan. He was nothing. You are nothing." His smirk grows even more. I feel my face heat up, and I clutch my fists tight. "No…NO! I'M NOT NOTHING! I'm-." I stop. Who am I? His smirk is now the widest it could possibly get. "Your what?" I don't know what to say, nothings coming. His voice breaks the silence "Fine, I shall answer for you then. You are the daughter of L. The Oh-so great detective." I look up ready to fight back only to have Light's red eyes 1 inch in front of mine. "Don't forget that." he whispers and vanishes. I feel the scream quickly coming up my throat but nothing comes out. I turn around.


I hear faint voices in the distance. "Keki." "Keki." "Come on, Keki!", they say."L-light?" I whisper. "KEKI GET UP!" My eyes fly open. The light burns my eyes and I quickly close them again. "Finally, your up!" I look to my right to see Mello and Near standing at the side of the bed. Mello has his arms crossed with an un-amused look on his face. "Seriously, How long were you expecting to sleep? You're going to miss breakfast!" Mello spouts, an anger vein popping up on his forehead. "Having another nightmare?" Near says calmly. "Yeah, This is the third time I've had this one." I say. "Well, I'm sorry you had a nightmare. But please get up! I'm not missing breakfast again because of you!" Mello groans. "You could go to breakfast without me." I point out. "Yes we could, and you should be grateful we wake you up so you don't starve. So get up!" He grabs the covers and throws them off the bed.

A deep blush creeps up on Mello's face as he stares what was under the covers. I stare at him confused. I look forward to see my pink panties with a strawberry pattern exposed. My face turns a shade of deep red. "Seriously?! Why don't you go to bed with some sweat pants on or something!" Mello yells. "I can wear what I want! I shouldn't have boys barging into my room in the morning!" I pick up my pillow and throw it at his face. "GET OUT! I'll be out in a sec!" I yell pulling the covers back up. Mello quickly grabs Near who is completely oblivious to what's going on and pulls him out the door.

I'm L's Daughter. Plain and Simple. *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now