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at the party•

You, Franny, Kian and , jc get out of the Uber. You can smell the weed already. You don't smoke but you do drink. As all 4 of you walk in Kian grabs your arm and says "don't drink to much these kind of party's are intense."
"Thanks Kian this isn't my first party and I'm not 5!" You say kinda loud. You find Franny and she's with Alex , Nash and Cameron. Alex hands you a drink right as you show up.

•20 mintues pass•

Jc pulls you and Franny our of the circle to play beer pong with them. But Of course jc put Kian on your team, you rather kiss Kian then jc tho. Then after jc explains the rules he says "so new rule everytime the other team makes a goal the players have to kiss." You kinda of just shook it off because they don't know how good you guys are. So Kian and jc Rock Paper Scissors , and Kian wins!! And Kian come back to the table and say "ladies first" so I go and make the first cup. They groan the kiss but then do it. I laugh because Frannys face after was discus because she liked someone else. Then Franny goes and she makes a cup, you in shock you lowkey wanna kiss Kian but don't at the same time. You turn around to face Kian and he's smiling really big , right as you were about to say "let her this ov-  " he kissed you ! It'll he lips were soft and the kiss was passionate. You guys release the kiss and jc yells "game over !! I just wanted y'all to kiss" I turn to Kian and he was in on it he laughed and high fived jc!

You and Franny return to the group and have 2-5 more drinks! You were upset because you were basically just used but you tired to brush it off by drinking. You and the group take photos.

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