Chapter Five: And the Winner Is...

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"Man, I got a good feeling about tonight. I don't care if we are the underdogs, we are gonna take those pompous Wolfbats," Korra beamed as she took off her practice helmet.

"It'll be our toughest match ever, but I think you're right," Mako agreed.

"Introducing your new champs, the Fire Ferrets!" Bolin exclaimed in the tone of the announcer.

Suddenly, the music cut out and was replaced by a voice on the radio. "Good morning, citizens of Republic City. This is Amon. I hope you all enjoyed last night's Probending match, because it will be the last. It's time for this city to stop worshipping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the council to shut down the bending arena and cancel the finals. Or else there will be severe consequences."

"That guy's got some nerve," Bolin spat.

"Do you think the council will give in?" Mako asked.

Korra frowned. "I'm not waiting to find out. We need to get to city hall."


"Korra, you shouldn't be here. This is a closed meeting," Tenzin told her after she slammed the doors open and we walked in.

"As the Avatar and a Probending player, I have a right to be heard. You can't cancel the finals."

"I know winning the championship means a lot to you, but as far as I'm concerned, we need to shut the arena down."

"What about the rest of you? Tarrlok, there's no way you're backing down from Amon. Right?"

"Actually, Tenzin and I agreed for once."

"The council is unanimous. We're closing the arena."

"You can't!" Bolin yelled with a whining tone.

"I don't understand. I thought you of all people would take a stand against Amon," Korra said to Tarrlok.

"While I am still committed to bringing that lunatic to justice, I will not put innocent lives at stake just so you and your friends can play a game."

Mako stepped forward with a determined look on his face. "Probending might only be a game to you, but think of what it means to the city. Right now, the arena is the only place where benders and non-benders gather together in-in peace! To watch benders-"

"Beat each other up!" Bolin finished. "In peace! It's an inspiration to us all."

"I appreciate your naive idealism, but you're ignoring the reality of the situation."

I scoffed. "The reality is if you close the arena, you let Amon win."

Bolin put his arm around me and gave me a small squeeze on the shoulder. "Yes! Exactly what she said, yes."

"Sorry, but our decision has been made. This meeting is adjourned," Tarrlok announced, raising his gavel before it was sliced in half with a metal cable.

We looked back to where the cable came from, and Aunt Lin was standing in the doorway. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with the Avatar."

"You do?" Tarrlok asked.

Korra frowned, confused. "Yeah, you do?"

"I expected this kind of cut and run response from Tenzin, but the rest of you? Come on, show a little bit more backbone. It's time that the benders of this city displayed some strength and unity against these Equalists."

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