one day before

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[ march 6 of 2018 - one day before ]
vivian | chapter five: on verge

GRAYSON DOLAN softly knocked on vivian's door before walking in. ethan following closely behind him with a box punctured with a few holes around the top and sides. ethan softly placed the box on the edge of her bed, careful not to accidentally shuffle whatever was inside. ethan and grayson stood back and sheepishly smiling.

"what's in the box?" vivian curiously asked, as she tore the headphones out her ear and edged closer to the box.

"first off, your room is not how i imagine it would've been," grayson looked in awed around her room. "secondly, it's for us to know and you to find out."

"whatever is in there, you can keep it." ethan continued.

"oh sweet, thanks!" exclaimed vivian as she placed her hand on the flap of the box.

"no!" ethan yelled as he slapped vivian's hand from the box.

"ow!" vivian cried out at the same time grayson hissed at ethan.

"sorry, sorry." apologized ethan. "i-we would prefer if you held your hand out and guessed what it was. while having your eyes closed obviously."

"bro, that sounds like a good youtube idea." grayson gushed to ethan.

"we should make a youtube video!"

"um, can you guys discuss this later? you know, when i'm not about to open my gift." vivian interjected.

"yeah sure, uh put this over your eyes and no peeking!" ethan passed vivian a black piece of fabric, which she took carefully and tied it around her eyes.

"now...hold out your hand." instructed grayson, which she followed and waited for something to be place in the bare hands.

a soft furry object touched vivian's hand, which she pulled back in fright. she shook in fear and hesitated putting them out again. "what the heck was that? i swore i felt it move!"

"if we told you that would just ruin the fun! so just put your hands out...again." she held out her hand again and felt the object lick her hand.

"is this a chicken?" guessed vivian playfully.

"fuck, i told you we should've gone for the chicken!" grayson harshly whispered to ethan. "now she's not going to like the d—"

"ok!" stopped ethan. "it's not a chicken—unfortunately but you do have one more guess."

"i'm done." vivian removed the fabric from her eyes and in front of her shook the most gorgeous creature.

"it's a kitten!" grayson excitedly yelled. "and as said before, you can keep it."

"wait are you serious?" her voice cracked as she watch the small dirty white kitten (jc's cat!) rub against her palms. "don't play with my soft heart."

"no for real." assured ethan.

vivian wasn't able to contain her emotions inside anymore, she bursted. seemed as though the puppy noticed and snuggle up closer against vivian, whom wrapped her arms are the puppy and cuddle it. "you guys are the best, i love you. what did i ever do to deserve you guys?"

"we understand that you're going through a rough time and we won't nothing but you to feel loved and comfort from us. our shoulders will always be here for you to cry on, at any hour and i mean any hour!"

"we may not be there to hug you at every moment or be there, physically, to cheer you up but you can count on her," ethan pointed at the kitten. "to always be there to bring happiness and chase away all the bad thoughts. also you can never forget us while having her here with you!"

"fuck, that was beautiful." vivian wiped a tear that had slip from her eye socket.

"so, have any idea what to name her?" grayson asked as he fluffled the kitten behind her ear, which she purred in response. "i was thinking ivory or something with an 'i'."

"really? i was thinking luna." ethan offered. "let's rock-paper-shoot, winner gets to name it!"

"wai—" vivian started but was cut off as grayson and ethan began playing. the game didn't last long since ethan was horrible at playing rock-paper-shoot!

"ivory it is!" grayson cheered. he nuzzled his nose on her head while slowly peering at vivian from the corner of his eye without her noticing.

"stop staring at my girl." ethan whispered into grayson's ear as he smacked the back of his head.

"as if she'd ever date someone like you, knowing the better twin is right next to you." grayson hushed back.

"....i was talking about ivory." ethan cleared. "wait...don't tell me you like viv?"

"what are you guys hushing about?" vivian curiously asked. she looked up from admiring ivory and stared at the two muscular teens who stood before her bickering about something she couldn't quite catch on.

"nothing, can't believe how beautiful my girl is." ethan complimented.


"god, ivory is such a beaut." ethan cupped ivory's face in his hand and softly squished her cheeks together, his thumb caressed the outline of her cheek.

"aren't you ivy?" ethan cooed. ivy meowed in response as a small smile crept onto her face.

"such a dick!" vivian shoved ethan and decided to go grayson's corner.

"hey loser." grayson greeted, genuinely smiling.

sitting there peering at grayson's small goofy smile made her heart swell, it was an astonishing view that she wouldn't trade. but also, made her remember how she didn't deserve the twins — i mean she transferred so much pain into them by ignoring them for nearly two weeks. and here they are, spending their money to make HER happy. the eerie dark feeling came back and was soon clouding her vision, she needed to get out before she has another breakdown in front them.

"hey, i'm going to step out for a second." vivian excused herself and tried to sniffed away tears.

she put on a brave face as she walked towards the bathroom. but long until one of the twins spoke, "wait fisher, are you okay?"

"yeah, please don't worry about me." assured her one last time, something the twins had no idea was really the last time.

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