Best friend or boyfriend?

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Fifth grade

"Everyone say hello to Nichole. She just moved here from Flordia. Make sure you all be nice to her and give her a good welcome." (Bell rings) "Oh time for recess everyone!"


Jess-"Hi Nichole I'm jessica but you can call me Jess!"

Nikki-"Hi Jess."

Jess-"You sure seem quiet are you shy?"

Nikki-"Ya just a little and you can call me Nikki all my friends do....well did."

Jess-"So this means we're friends?!"

Nikki-"Ya" (bell rings)

Teacher-"Ok everyone time to come back in recess is over."

Jess-"Oh and Nikki wanna hang out tonight?"

Nikki-"Would your mom be ok with that?"

Jess-"Ya she doesn't care she just like that I have friends."

Nikki-"Ok then sure."

After school

"Come on my house is right around this corner. Come on!" 

"Wow Jess your house is really nice!"

"Thanks. It's ok. Anyways so lets go up to my room!"  "K" "So Nik how'd you like your first day?" "It was s'ok"      "Ohhh Jessica!" "Ya Mom?!" "Dinner's ready!" "Come on better go eat."

At the dinner table

So your names Nichole right sweetie?" "Nikki mom I told you that on the phone." "Oh yes sorry about that." "It's ok Mrs. Sallen." "Oh sweetie call me Erica...or mom." "MOOOOM!! Don't embaress me in front of Nikki!" "It's ok Jess and thanks....Erica. Hey Jess where's your dad?" "Oh he has to work late so he usually doesn't get home til like ten p.m." "Oh." "So sweetheart how did your first day go? Did you make lots of friends?" "Oh my gosh mom!" "It's ok Jess and my day was good and I made a couple friends but Jess is my best friend!" "Thanks your my bff too!" "Well young ladies you two have school tomorrow so go to bed." "But mom it's only 7:30! We don't have to wake up til 8 anyways." "No buts go to bed!" "ok night mom" "Night Erica!"

7:30 a.m.

"Wake up you two or you'll be late for school!" "What time is it?" "It's 7:30" "Please tell me you mean p.m." "No. Now get up or you'll skip breakfest." "k."

At school

"Wow we made it here just in time good thing we ran." "Ya otherwise we'd be in detention for an hour and grounded for a lifetime!" "Like til we're 20. Hey look over there. It's that dweeb Josh he's the biggest nerd in school and everyone hates him." "Why?" "Cause look at him he's ugly and doesn't know how to dress and he plays with video games 24/7." "Well is he nice?" "I don't know and I don't care if your even seen near him your reputation goes right down the toliet. Just stay as far away from him as you can!" "Ok"

In English

"Now since we have an even number of people we can do the group project I have assigned you ll partners. First pair Julie and Sarah. Calvin and Jacob. Lillian and David. Rebcca and Carter....(other people that aren't important)...Teresa and Amanda. Josh and Nichole. Amber and Noah. Lastley Tristan and Damien. The project will be due in about two months and you will have all class period to work on it. The project will be on your parents. Alright we will finish this up tomorrow the bells about to ring you are dismissed."

"Hey Nikki did you just have English?" "Ya when did you have it?" "Second hour." "Who did you get partnered up with?" "Travis Weelinson. yuck! What abput you?" "...Josh...." "You dont mean Josh Reed do you?!" "ya." "I told you to stay away from him!" "I was! Mrs Jackson is the one that assigned partners! Not me!" "Ya but...ok but only hang out with him when you have to like in English but no where else ok?" "Ya k" " Ok good."  

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