Chapter 13-Typically Imperfect

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"Kate! Get up already! You're gonna be late!"

I ignored my moms pestering as I looked at myself in the mirror. Hmmmm dyeing my hair auburn probably wasn't the best idea on your first day of school but it was too late to change that now. The color brought out the darkness of my brown eyes and highlighted my bronzed skin. I sighed as I took in everything else. Shorts, blouse, slippers and absolutely no make-up. Boring, boring and complete shit. I left my room not feeling very confident but decided to put that thought on the back burner. I had bigger things to worry about.

Today was my first day of college! Really, it wasn't that big of a deal because I wasn't dorming or moving half way across the world. It felt just like going to high school except I got to choose the classes. The nervous butterflies I had were making me feel jumpy. The nervousness was followed by a queasiness at the thought of seeing Xander again.

I haven't seen him since I found out he knew about all this drama and decided not to tell me. Eventually the calls and messages stopped and I started to live life again. I'm not gonna say that everything is fine and dandy. I inhaled ice cream like any other girl with a heartache and Lia tried to make me feel better in the only way she knew how. She dragged me to the beach. Both of our parents used to say that the ocean was the cure to everything. Ryan came with us a few times and when I finally told him that Xander and I broke up he looked like he was about to explode. He did the whole eye twitching and red faced thing. 

I was about to leave when my mom spun me around and hugged me like I wasn't coming back. I could hear her crying and I kept myself from groaning.

"Mom stop crying, its just school." I complained.

"Y-yeah b-but its c-college! You're s-so grown up already! My baby girl." She was hiccuping and blubbering.

It's been a couple of weeks since she got out of the care home and to say that I was happy didn't even come close to how great it was to see her at home. Isaac had even attempted to make breakfast in bed for her one day. It consisted of runny eggs with the shell still inside, burnt waffles with way too much butter and syrup. Being a good mom she thanked him and downed the runny eggs, eggshell and all. I had to slap her on the back a couple of times because she was trying hard not to choke on the eggshell that got caught in her throat. By the time she finished her breakfast I was afraid that she would end up with diabetes from all the syrup and butter she had eaten.

"Calm down mom, I know its college but please don't cry." I wasn't good with this emotional stuff. I avoided this shit like the plague. 

"F-fine. But be safe and study hard okay?" I smiled. She always used to say that to me back when I was in middle school.

"Always mom. I'll see you tonight!" I hugged her once more before I stepped out of the house.

I drove to my new school with jitters in my stomach. I found my parking stall and pulled in. I was about to get out when my phone rang.

I had just put my phone to my ear when I was bombarded with a loud, squealing voice.

"Kaaaaaateeee! Where are you? I've been waiting in the parking lot for the last two minutes!"

"You're EARLY?" I actually gasped. Lia was NEVER early. To her, early meant at least 30 minutes late.

"Yeah girly, I didn't want to be late for the first day of college! And ohmygosh there are so many cute guys Kate. College guys! Ahhhhhh!" I winced, I was so not ready for more boy drama.

"Well I'm glad you're here early. I just got here. I'm right by the benches. Meet me here?"

"Yeah sure, I see Ryan coming over so I'll meet you soon. Bye!"

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