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Today was Thursday and I'd just woken up. I'd been texting Justin a lot the past few days. I had no problem admitting how incredibly gorgeous he was but I wasn't 100% positive I liked him just yet. I saw my phone light up with Justin's name on the screen, I pressed answer and unhooked it from the charger, getting up and walking to freshen up. "Hey love." he answered.

"Hey Biz." I grinned. "Biz?" he chuckled. "I thought a nickname should be used but 'Bizzle' takes a lot of effort to say every time." I laughed. "Cutie." he chuckled. I blushed slightly and pulled my toothbrush out. "So I was thinking, text me your address and I'll pick you up at seven?" he asked.

"Yeah sounds good." I meant to say, but brushing my teeth it came out as "Ya shons goo."

"What?" he chuckled. I spit it out and rinsed my mouth, "Sorry I was brushing my teeth." I giggled, "But yeah that sounds good." I nodded. He chuckled, "Okay darling. I'll see you soon."

"Soon. " I agreed. "Okay um. I'm gonna hang up now." he said awkwardly. I laughed, "Ok Justin."

"Okay... umm.... yeah. Soon love."

"Okay." I laughed. "Okay." "Okay." "I'm making this awkward aren't I?" he chuckled. "For you yeah, but I think it's cute." I laughed. "Aw. I think you're cute."

I laughed, "I'll see you soon, Justin."

"K cutie. You gotta hang up though cause if I have to, we'll be here forever."

I gasped, "You don't wanna talk to me all day?!" I said in a fake-hurt tone. "I'd love to darling." he chuckled. "Why not?" I wondered. "Really?" he asked. "Sure." I laughed. "But I needa go find my water proof case cause I'm about to take a shower." I laughed again. "Ok baby, I'll stay on. Juusssttt for you." he teased. "Aw, how thoughtful of you." I teased back. He chuckled, "Go get your case and take a shower, I don't wanna hang out with a smelly girl."

"Shut up." I laughed. "Kidding." he chuckled as I grabbed my case. "Ok I got it." I laughed. "K. Take your clothes off." I knew he was smirking. "You are not telling me how to take a shower Justin." I laughed as I stripped myself of my garments. "Maybe I want to." he chuckled through the speaker as I set it in the shower stand. I started the water waiting for it to get hot and stepped in once it was. "Are you in?" he asked teasingly. "Yes I am, actually."

"Okay. Now wash your face." he instructed. "I already did, I do that first thing when I wake up. This is what I do: wake up, use bathroom, brush teeth, wash face, brush hair, get ready. Unless I have to take a shower." I told him. "Ah pooh. Okay, wash your hair love." He told me. I laughed, "Already am." "Tell me when you're done." "Are you gonna do this all day?" "Maybe." he chuckled. I sighed, "Okay, I'm done." "Kay. Did you do conditioner too?" "yes."

"Now wash your amazing body." I knew he was smirking again. "You're such a perve sometimes Biz." I said standing and looking into space. Do you ever do that? I do. A lot.

"Psh. No. Now wash that body." I laughed and poured the flowery vanilla scent onto my loofa, rubbing it all over my body. "Done." I sighed. "Do you need to shave?" he asked awkwardly. "Depends on what we're doing."

"Anything you want love." I smiled, "I'll shave." I laughed. He laughed too, "Ok baby." "You have a thing for pet names, ya know." "I told you I did darling. I think they suit you." "Whys that?" I laughed. "Darling, because you're sweet. Princess, because you are one. Love, because it just looks good on you. Angel, because you are one. Kitten, because it sounds sweet and sexy, like you. Baby, because it's cute, also like you. Babe because it sounds right, I don't really know why." "Oh, that's all?" I teased. "I'm sure there's more, gorgeous. Oh! See? Gorgeous, because you are." he said in a cheesy tone. I laughed, "I get it Justin."

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