(Soap; 2) Distance

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I sigh. It hasn't been the same in such a long time.

Soap had come off the front lines when I did. He didn't want to be without me, and I didn't want to be without him. And I especially didn't want one of us risking our lives while the other didn't.

I knew that I couldn't fight anymore after my injury. And he didn't want me to. He was too worried that I'd exhaust my body too quickly. That I'd hurt myself more. That I'd die and he would have to live on without me. 

It was an eye opener for both of us. We knew that we most likely couldn't go on without the other. We took a step back. Evaluated what we really wanted out of life. 

What we wanted, we decided, was each other. We retired from the forces and began acclimating to our old civilian lifestyle. 

We were happy too. We moved into an apartment in the city, freshly engaged. We enjoyed the small things, watching tv, playing video games, and doing nothing together. 

We didn't have to worry about the other dying. We didn't have to worry about the other getting captured. We didn't have to worry about never seeing the other again.

Two months count down from the wedding. 

I'd come home one evening to find him in his bed, head in his hands. Surprisingly, tears stained his cheeks. 

A chill spread across my body. I was filled with dread. I knew it had to be bad. John MacTavish doesn't cry unless it's serious. Was he having second thoughts? 

"B-babe?" I called to him.

He looked up at me, eyes red. "Oh God, (Y-y/n)..."

"What's wrong?" I instantly crossed the floor and sat next to him.

He didn't say anything. Just laid down and pulled me into his arms. I put my arms around his neck the best I could, something I knew he loved and laid my head against his muscular chest.

"John," I said softly, "what's the matter?"

Another tear trickled down his face, just a single one. 

I'd spent thirteen years with him, and it still shook me to my core to see him cry. It was uncharacteristic of him. Rarely ever did he shed a tear, yet here he was, cradling me in his arms, eyes irritated and bloodshot from his tears. 

"Baby," He mumbled into my hair, "I'm so sorry."

"Soap, Honey, please, what's wrong?"

His breath caught. He didn't answer.

"John, are you having second thoughts about the wedding..?" I dreaded asking the question, I dreaded the answer, but I couldn't stand to see him hurting. I had to find out what it was so that I could make it better for him.

He pulled me closer to him, squeezing me so tight it hurt and I let out a small whimper. "No no no. Baby no. (Y/n), I cannot wait to marry you."

I internally sighed a breath of relief, but I knew there was more. "There's a but, isn't there?"

"Love," he began with a shaky breath. "I just got a call from the Task Force."

I closed my eyes, squeezing out tears, and put my hand to my mouth. I already knew what was coming next, yet I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't bear to think it be true. 

"Price is M.I.A. But they have a lead on his whereabouts. They want me to lead the team in for the rescue mission."

"John, please don't go."

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. I have to."

"Ghost can lead it!" I hollered selfishly, burying my face deep into his chest. "It doesn't have to be you!"

"Hush, Love. I'll be back before you know it."

"You're going to miss our wedding."

"No, I'll be back. I'll do my best. And I'll bring Price back for it."

"I don't care if he's there! I only care that you're there!"

"(Y/n), please try to understand."

"You weren't supposed to leave me.."

"I'm so sorry Baby."

I just nodded in response, and he held me for the rest of the night. 

In the morning, we packed his bags and I drove him to the airport.


I glance at the clock, waiting for it to get a little bit later.

Every ounce of me yearns to have him back here with me. Safe with me. In our little apartment.

We were supposed to get married two days ago. 

The phone rings, and I jump at the counter. 

It's him.

"Babe," I whisper breathlessly.

"Hey, Love."

"I miss you."

He laughs a little, but I can hear the pain in his voice. "I miss you too. And listen (Y/n) I am so so sorry that I-"

"No," I stop him as I run across the apartment and jump into bed.


"Hey, it's storytime." 

I can hear his smile through the phone as he laughs again. I know he's thankful for the way out of the painful conversation of our missed wedding.

"Are you comfortable?" He asks. 

"Yes, I am." 


"Uh... your bed..."

"Aww. That's cute."

"Mmmphn." I cuddle into the red sheets and take in his scent. How I miss him. A pang of sadness hits me, and a tear slips down my face, but upon hearing his voice again, the pain is slightly muted.

"Okay. You ready, (Y/n)?"

"Yes, Love." I smile, listening to his voice.

Every night, he calls me, and we fall asleep together on the phone. He tells me a few stories in an effort to get me to sleep, but it doesn't work. I love the sound of his voice and the way he so carefully crafts the stories far too much to even think about falling asleep.

He begins his story carefully, telling me about "a boy" and "a girl", clearly the two of us. His voice is calm and soothing, and I close my eyes listening to him. He tells how the boy had loved the girl for so very long yet never was able to say anything about it to her.

My phone buzzes and I frown, annoyed at the interruption. My brother texted.

"Hold on a second, Honey, Riley needs me to unlock the door."

"Okay," Soap says and I push myself out of bed albeit begrudgingly and pad my way down the hall. I remove the chain, remove the deadbolt and unlock the door, and swing it open. 

"What, Ril-"

I am not met with Riley. Instead, I am face to face with my husband to be.


"Hello, Love." He smiles an aching smile and picks me up, holding me tightly.

"I missed you so much," I tell him as a few tears drip down my face. He wipes them away and smiles down at me.

"I missed you too."

I just look at him, unable to say anything, unable to comprehend the fact that he's here, right in front of me. I couldn't be happier.

"How about we finish the rest of your story?" He asks as he shuts the door behind us.

"I would like nothing more." 

He smiles, leans down, and kisses me. Finally, everything is back to normal.

He is right where he should be. With me.

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