who says i love you first

558 9 2

jaeden -

+ him

+ you were going home and he said it

+ "i love you y/n, and i'll always love you."

finn -

+ you

+ he was on set and you said it to him

+ "i love you finn. for always being there for me

jack -

+ you

+ you were getting ice cream and he bought it for you so you said it

+ "aw! thanks jack. i love youuuuuu"

wyatt -

+ him

+ your friend said she didn't like Mario Kart and you said something rude jokingly

+ and he said he loved you

+ "HA! i love you y/n."

sophia -

+ her

+ you were helping her with homework and she said it

+ "i love you for helping me

chosen -

+ him

+ you bought some hot cheetos and shared with him

+ "i love you y/n, you always share with me

jeremy -

+ you

+ you guys were babysitting with your baby cousin and he was helping you

+ "i love you for helping me baby."

YA GIRL IS BACK! also thanks so so so much for 7k reads, i love you all!

also don't forget to fave and comment!

when did i become a youtuber?

i don't know when but do that stuff bye!

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