when youre on your period

937 15 4

jaeden -
+ will bring you junk food
+ will watch movies with you
+ cuddles

finn -
+ will go to the store and buy basically ALL the junk food
+ cuddles
+ binge watching your favorite shows

jack -
+ he will come over with junk food
+ will order like 5 pizzas
+ watching sad movies bc why not?

wyatt -
+ sis is scared to come over
+ but he does with some GOOD food
+ but y'all watch funny movies

sophia -
+ she knows what you're going through
+ she'll run you hot baths
+ but you guys junk food
+ and watch movies

chosen -
+ he will most likely be out of town but when he's not y'all:
+ watch your favorite movies
+ eat some nice food

jeremy -
+he will come over so much junk food that y'all could have a party
+ will maybe cook for you
+ cuddles and movies

nic -
+ will cook for you
+ funny movies
+ will run you hot baths
+ cuddles for days

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