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I couldn't wait for the  Chemistry class to come to an end. I kept fidgeting and holding the shiny, round ball that I had picked on the floor. I was too curious to concentrate as several glitters covered my hands, most specifically, my palms. I hated glitters, they are those kinds of things that were almost everywhere. Once you touched glitters, they'd spread all over your arms, your clothes, your bag, and most annoyingly, your hair. I remember how grandma Penny used to design cards using glitter and she'd always ask us to help her. It did it, to impress old sweet clingy grandma.
" Jenny, state three major characteristics of Sulphur" I had been in a long trance of wild imaginations and fantasies, especially about my grandma, the good old days."Jenny, did you just hear me?"
I looked up as my lecturer bawled out my name for the hundredth time. I stammered a few words and asked to be excused with the most charming smile in the world, which everyone was accustomed to.
I walked stealthy into the girl's toilets, with the mysterious ball in my hand. It felt so light while I unwrapped it slowly. I removed the chunks of paper that lay underneath all the glitter and glamour, and a white piece of paper, with deep red writings fell on the floor. I immediately picked it up and  read the words out loud,
" I'm watching you, I may be dead baby, but am watching you. Every step of the way. And Oh Boy! Don't I love glitters!!! Not as much as I love you, little Jen"

Grandma Penny.

But grandma Penny ...
Penny was dead! I wondered if dead people told tales, like she used to say. I staggered back to class, half shocked, half crying.  The morning lesson was over and I felt very tired. I called a cab after asking Mrs Healy, our school principal, if I could go home since I wasn't well enough. Maybe it was the pale look or the teary eyes, but she let me go home. I stood up to my feet, and gratefully walked to the waiting cab. Did I mention that my dad owned all the fleet of taxis in Adams Street?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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