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'Imma boss ass bitch bitch bitch ..''I tapped my feet gently and sang along Minaj's song that blared from my car's modern music system.

The deeply lyrical song held a really special meaning for me.Everytime it played,I felt an surge of sheer ecstasy, and dominance would consume me entirely.

My driver braked so loudly and her husky voice interrupted my thoughts.

Her:(pointing at a dude along the street)
You like him huh..
Me:(looked up and saw Jack,the candyman)The hell is wrong with you!
Her: Don't think I haven't noticed you staring at him before
Me:I knew you as weird and annoying.i didn't think you were completely stupid too.
Her:Look,we're here, pretty, have a good day at school.
Me:(opening my car door)
I'll try to.

I grabbed my hassle free ,feminine, leopard print bag and walked over the lush green school garden since I was quite early for class. I sat down and did what I do most...read.

"You're prettier than I thought. "I looked up and met the gaze of the most beautiful eyes in the whole fucking universe.His eyes were deep blue which in turn gave him a slightly angelic look.He had the broadest smile that he'd pass for Mr World.i stared breathlessly.

Or was I ogling?
"I am Osman. "
He said."Are you okay?"I think he had noticed how I had been looking at him.No,I mean ogling.

Professor Harold strode lazily into my class.Yaaay it was Chemistry again . I was a chemistry genius.I rose gracefully like any other half Canadian,half Moroccan extremely gorgeous girl would.
"I'm alright.Dont you worry,"
Several thoughts flashed my mind as I walked to the expensively furnished class. I was a rich kid.. maybe richer than those of Beverly Hills..
I felt him look at me and put on a completely classic walk.

He likes you
He smells like Lettuce..
Don't be silly.. Jenny.

"Ah beautiful,take care.. you seem to be tripping over him, "My best friend Tamara warned. I laughed jokingly and replied," Imma boss ass bitch; I can't even trip over these six-inched heels am wearing.What makes you think I could trip over him?"
I kept sending quizzical glances Osman's way.And Tamara noticed or what else would explain why she shove my hand so bad and showed me into the classroom?

Osman. .. Osman. . Osman.
I liked that name.. and that lettuce scent he had
Argh another class;I pulled my Chemistry book outside my bag.
And something dropped on the ground.

*hey guys,I hope you'll love this piece.. sorry part one was long but this is longer and hotter.The next chapter is dedicated to the one with the best comment.love you*

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