Chapter 13: Siren

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-Emily's POV-

Sam and Dean's reactions to my powers weren't as bad as I was expecting. I thought they would have freaked out and been mad at me. They were just surprised and a bit upset I didn't tell them right away, but they understood my reasons for not telling them. 

Regardless, the past two months have been pretty good. I was able to find Cas and Jack using my powers. Sam, Dean, Cas, Jack, and even Ailith have all been helping with my powers. Even if I don't know where they come from, they're getting stronger. I'm able to teleport to my hometown to see Aida sometimes. I've thought about seeing my mom, but she still doesn't know about my powers. I'm more nervous to see who she'll react because she's not used to the supernatural world.

I decided to stay in school, even though I almost dropped out. I realized that I should be lucky to even have the opportunity to have an education. Also, my mom wanted me to. Jason, Cal, and Mason have all left me alone. We sometimes talk, but they're always short and friendly conversations. There's no more fighting.

My life's actually going pretty good. I get to see Aida a lot. I actually have friends. I'm getting close with the boys, and they don't completely hate Ailith. They've even taken me on a hunt. Everything's good. For some reason, it feels like I'm waiting for something to go wrong and mess everything up.

I'm driving home from school when Ailith pops up in the passenger seat. It used to scare me when she did this, but I'm used to it now. "Hey, Aly," I say. I've started using the nickname, Aly, mainly because it annoys her.

She gives me a dirty look for the nickname and asks, "Why do you still drive everywhere when you can just teleport?" 

"Because I can't just pop in and out of places without people seeing," I explain. "Besides, I like it."

"Hmm," she leans back in the seat and looks around. "I guess I've just never understood it. I understand driving nice, cars, like sports cars, but not driving some old car like this."

It takes everything in me to not slam the brakes and suffocate her, but instead, I just continue driving. "My car is not just some old car. It's my baby," I explain, trying to stay calm.

Ailith smirks slightly and mutters, "Just like Dean." I glare at her, and she says, "Anyways, I'm not here to make fun of your car. I need your help."

I do an overdramatic gasp. "What? The infamous, strong, and independent, Queen of Hell, needs help? I can't believe this."

She rolls her eyes, and I chuckle slightly. "Shut up. I already don't want to ask for help, and I don't need you mocking me."

"My apologies, your highness," I say, mocking her, knowing it annoys her. "What can I help you with?"

"My demons, they're rebelling," she says.

I look at her. "What does this have to do with me?"

"I need your advice. How do I get them to stop? I've already tried killing some to show an example, but they still rebel," she says, looking at me for help.

"Here's a wild idea, don't be so ruthless."

Ailith looks at me like I'm crazy. "This is Hell we're talking about. There's no 'not being ruthless' with demons. How else would I get them to listen to me?"

"I'm not an expert in politics, Hell, or demons, so I'm not really sure why you came to me. The only potential advice I can give is, show them that you want Hell to be a better place and run things in a good way. Instead of just killing your demons for not listening, make a show of embarrassing them, or something," I tell her, giving her my best advice on a subject I'm clueless in.

She's quiet as she ponders what I said. "I came to you because you're my only friend who's not a complete dumbass," she mutters after awhile.

"You have other friends?" I tease. 

She rolls her eyes at me, and I see her crack a small smile. "I do, but they're all just stupid demons."

I smile at her as I pull into the garage of the bunker. "Don't worry, I don't have many friends either." She smiles at me as I grab my bag, and we head into the bunker together.

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