Chapter 5

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Hey everybody , okay I AM SOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOO SOOOOOO SORRY!!!!! I know I just disappeared and I ha vent updated in MOTHS but I've been so stressed with my exams (that determine if I go to college or not!) but i'm all finished for the summer now so I've picked up where I've stopped, I know this is quite short but I need to get back in on this story but the next update will be longer and more entertaining. this chapter is more of a filler :) anyway i love you all , Please Comment , vote and fan. You can mail me as well :D oh can I say THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH I have hit over 1,000 reads and im no 624 on the Historical fiction list :'D FREE COOKIES FOR ALL :D 

Btw the picture in the right is Cassies mother :)

Miss Patina xx 


Eve came  barging into my room her hair falling around her face in little ringlets as she did and jumped onto my bed. I was completely taken by surprise seeing how just yesterday she wouldn't even speak in a normal volumed voice. Looking at her face I began to panic, the little angel had tear stains all down her face and she had to keep sniffing her nose. I looked to the window to see it was still dark out but the sun was beginning to rise which meant it was near six. 

"Whats wrong sweetie?" my voice quivered at the end. All that was running through my head was a million different and horrible situations Eve could have encountered as she flung her arms around my next and cried into my shoulder. I scooped her up in my knee and slowly cradled her humming a lullaby my mother always sang to me when I was scared at night. 

See her relax and feel her small sobs turning into shallow breaths I lay her down beside me and wrapped the blankets around her small frame. I slowly climbed out of bed not wanting to waken her and made my way to the door but as I was about to walk into the hallway I heard her speak.

"Please, mammy don't leave me alone!" Those words broke my heart. The innocent girl lying in my bed was still clearly asleep and as i stared at her I just couldn't comprehend how anybody could ever leave her. How could somebody reject and neglect such a blessing? 

I stepped out the door and quietly closed it behind me. With shaky steps I made my way to the kitchen I was greeted immediately by Blakely who was making breakfast. He seemed to have a spring in his step this morning, or maybe it was just compared to myself that he seemed overjoyed.

Mother walked in as well as Jameson and my world exploded into a whirlwind of emotions. Along with the sorrow I felt towards Eve losing her family, my own Mother announced that she would be leaving me as well this evening before sunset. I just couldn't help it, I broke down. Everything has been so difficult the past few days, arriving to a new "Home" to a man who I was supposed to marry that refused to speak properly to me and also to have a beautiful but troubled girl depend on me was just too much to bear with out the support of my own mother. the only person I would ever have for company was Blakely. 

"Oh baby, Don't be upset, I'm sure you living her will be, well, okay" My Mother was trying to console me, but it honestly wasn't helping. Jameson was sitting in the corner exchanging looks with an angry looking Blakely as Jameson was pretending none of this was even happening as he walked around asking for strawberry jam instead of the blueberry jam he was given. 

Swatting my mother away, I let out a breath I didn't even know i was holding and declared I was gojng for a walk. At the front door I pulled on my boots and as soon as i stepped outside i felt my headache from crying fly away as the cool breeze tickled my face. of course this didn't last long.

"Cass?" yup, thats right the man himself followed me. Most women in those romance novels are always goin on about how when they are upset and walk off all they want is for the man to come running after them scoop them in their arms and tell them everything would be okay, this I definitly did not want. Although everytime her called me cass my heart skipped a beat which wasn't a good sign.

"Look Jameson, I'm not in the mood. I'm tired and upset and i really don't want to listen to you make jokes about me, tease or annoy me right now just because you find it fun. I just want to be, alone!" the more I talked the quieter and more gentle my voice had become. I was here three days and I was giving up, I was being defeated most ungraciously and It was killing me. 

"Cass, I came out here to say I was sorry. I'm sorry I've been so horrible to you the past few days, I just dint like this situation and I shouldn't have taken it out on you but I didn't know how else to cope with it. I can see your obviously upset and I know I'm to blame. Can we please just start again, maybe we can be friends?" All I could do was stand before him in complete shock. That was not what I was expecting at all. He wanted to be Friends yet I had heard him saying he wanted to make my life hell. Maybe this was his way of doing that. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer and all that. Which is exactly what I was going to do. 

"Em, well,okay!" . I was really uncomfortable about this. here was the man I was to marry, trying to be my friend but of course he didn't know that I knew something was wrong with this whole situation. 

"So, Do you want to go for a walk and talk, or something?" Jameson seemed really out of place as well as he looked to the ground shuffling his feet on the gravel. 

"Eh, yeah, I guess, If you want?" Okay this was so beyond awkward, neither of us knew how to be nice to each other. With that I turned around and began to walk not really caring if he actually followed me or not. Hearing his footsteps beside me as we walked in silence beside one another was actually kinda comforting. I felt more relaxed after everything that's happened so far this morning. 

"So, do you want to talk about why you were so upset this morning?" Jameson asked pulling me out of my thoughts. I hand't realised how far we had walked until we stopped in front of a small bench that overlooked a beautiful colour filled meadow. The wild flowers swaying in the wind as petals and leaves scattered along the grass. It was really breathtaking. Since it was still early morning, the sun was only rising in the sun giving the meadow and orange glow as far as your eyes could see. I was completely in awe. 

"Cass?" Jameson gently placed his hand on my arm. Sparks flew threw my body at lightening speed, send waves of butterfly's into my stomach. I whipped my head around to look at his face to see a worried expression stare back at me. 

"Yeah?" I barley whispered, I couldn't trust my voice. I'm surprised Jameson even heard me at all. What was this man doing to me. Just minutes ago I couldn't stand to be in the same room, but now something as simple as a touch sent me insane, I had to get myself together all he wanted was to hurt me.

"Did you hear me? I asked if you wanted to talk about this morning? You seem quite odd today!" At this stage I was so confused, the way he was acting made me feel like he actually cared, like he really did want to be my friend. Maybe what I heard between him and Blake was something completely wrong. I was so afraid that this would be some sort of act and he would turn out like every other man I've ever known like my Father and I would again be left alone and disappointed. 

"Oh sorry, I was, eh, just amazed by the view. And I'm okay now, I was just upset that Mother is leaving and Eve was upset this morning too. I'm okay though, Thanks"  With that Jameson seemed to relax and he took a seat on the bench and patted the space beside him, inviting me to sit beside him. It was quite nice beside Jameson enjoying the view and enjoying one another silence and company. Everything was going really well until I heard my mother. 

" CASSIE?" I could hear her screaming in the distance for me frantically. I exchanged a quick and panicked look with Jameson as we leaped  to our feet and began to run back towards the house. 

What I seen as we ran up the steps was the most unbelievable thing I could have ever imagined. 

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