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Louis' Point of View

"Hey Niall," I called across the flat as I heard him come in. I had just gotten home a few minutes ago and changed from my work clothes into sweats and a T-shirt. I always felt so self-conscious in my uniform because the pants were so tight and I had to tuck in my shirt, which made the whole outfit even tighter. But while I usually worried about it all shift long, tugging at my clothes throughout the night, I hardly noticed it today.

Maybe it was because I had finally gotten used to the style after seven months. But it was more likely that I had just been distracted. Distracted by the shit storm of a surprise I had experienced before my shift when I witnessed Harry Styles jumping out of the bathroom window of my establishment like a fucking superhero.

"Hey, Lou," Niall said. He just got back from the store -- it was his turn to go grocery shopping this week and I was both excited and terrified to find out what he brought home. Knowing Niall, he somehow 'lost' the list -- that I had texted and emailed to him -- and decided to just go in blind, probably buying mostly desserts and pre-made foods.

"How was work?" Niall asked, setting down the bags of groceries on the counter. I was sitting on the couch in the living room, and he looked over at me from across the kitchen, our eyes connecting. 

"Someone looks in a good mood," he said with a smile, his voice elevating a bit.

"I... yeah. Good and bad. I feel weird inside, really," I said with an awkward smile. I was usually pretty self perceptive and knew exactly how I was feeling, but right now, I was still in a shock and it was difficult to process my emotions.

"I honestly. I don't even know what to think. Listen to this, Ni. I get to work a bit early, so I go out back to smoke a cigarette. I'm minding my own business when suddenly -- get ready for it -- Harry jumps out of the fucking bathroom window like fucking Batman. I see him and I'm like what in the fuck. So I call his name. He had began to run, but he turned around. And then as I go near him, he starts having a fucking panic attack -- I thought it was an asthma attack at first so I was gonna give him my inhaler. But it wasn't, he was just panicked. So I helped him relax his breathing....."

I was talking faster than I ever had before in my life, but my mouth still couldn't keep up with the thoughts in my head. Niall was looking at me, his mouth gaped open and his eyes super wide. I tried to hold back tears as I continued the story, unsure if they were from laughter or sadness -- or both.

"So I calm him down and I'm like what are you doing here? I told him not to lie to me because I can just ask my coworkers who he came with. So he tells me he was with Sharon -- the agent lady I told you about. And he's freaking out and apologizing and he even says he'll go inside and dump her right then and there for me.... and I felt a million emotions at once. I was freaking out too, but I told him that I wasn't gonna be his side bitch and that even if he dumped her now it was too soon.... and I just... oh my god, Niall. I finally fucking stood up for myself!"

"That's great lad!" Niall said, jogging over to the couch and slapping me on the back excitedly. "Finally, Lou. Yeah, you won't be anyone's side bitch. I'm so glad you're finally realizing how great you are, Lou."

I pulled Niall in for a bear hug, causing him to collapse on top of me on the couch, the two of us giggling as I replayed the image of Harry's bewildered face in my head. I had truly been a boss back there. And I think I liked boss Louis. He was way cooler than timid, nervous Louis.

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