Mike part 2: In the Moonlight

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You woke to darkness and the sound of Chris's voice bellowing through the speakers. Confused, tired, and disoriented, you try to get your bearings.

"What's going on?" you asked your cabinmates.

"We gotta go out and do some night challenge."

You and your team left your cabin to see the other team doing the same. You sped up to catch Mike.

"Any idea what the challenge is going to be?" you asked.

"Not a clue," he answered honestly. "Something to do with night, I guess."

"Ha ha ha," you quipped. "Very clever, Mike." He shrugged and you walked side-by-side to where Chris was waiting for everyone.

"Hey there, campers, you ready for a night challenge?" Chris asked.

Mike leaned over to you and whispered, "Told you it'd be a night challenge."

"Oh stuff it."

"Well, there is no night challenge. I just thought waking you up would be funny. Sleepy people do stupid things, and that's great for ratings."

A collective groan came from the remaining campers.

"Alright, kiddos, back to bed with you," Chris commanded, and you thought about what he had said. 'Tired people do stupid things,' huh? Maybe you should do something stupid.

"Mike, can I ask you something when we get back to the cabins?" you asked quietly.

Visibly nervous, Mike stuttered out an "Uh, sure, I-uh, I guess so, (y/n)."

"Cool," you said, and the two of you walked in a weird silence until reaching the cabins.

"What was it you were going to ask, (y/n)?" Mike asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, I've, uh, noticed some stuff lately."

"Stuff like what?"

"Stuff about you. You've been acting weird, Mike," you admitted.

"What? I don't, uh I don't know what you mean," Mike said. Nervous as he seemed, you still couldn't believe how beautiful he was. The moonlight made him seem to glow, and you felt your heart flutter in your chest. You would do just about anything to be his, including risk embarrassment on television. If you were ever going to get the boy, you had to do something now.

"Mike, I like you. I like you a lot, but I feel like you're hiding something from me,"

"Why do you think that? What do you mean?"

"I think you know what I mean, Mike. It's your characters that you can't seem to keep in check, and you say you'll give them a rest but you don't!"

"I will, (y/n), I'm trying!"

"Trying hasn't been cutting it! Why can't you just put them aside for a bit?"

You were both shout-whispering at this point, angrily trying to keep your voices down.

"I can't, (y/n), I've been trying but I cant!"

"Why not, Mike? Just tell me!"

"I can't because they're a part of me!" This caught you off guard.
    "What?" you asked. "What does that mean?"

Mike sighed. "I might as well tell you now," he said. He took a deep breath. "(y/n), I have multiple personality disorder," he confessed. "Chester, Svetlana, Manitoba, and Vito are all my alternate personalities."

"Oh," you whispered. "I didn't realize..."

"Yeah, I was trying to keep it secret, keep it in check, but it didn't really work, did it?"

"Not really," you laughed. "Mike, it probably would've been easier to just tell me sooner," you told him.

"Really?" he asked. "So, you don't hate me?"

"Mike, I could never hate you! In fact, I still kinda like you," you mumbled.

"Even with my personalities?"

"Now that I know that's what's going on, I couldn't care less about that."

"In that case," Mike whispered and leaned down to kiss you. The instant your lips met you felt as if you could fly. You were kissing Mike! Mike kissed you first! You were so delighted, you could get kicked off the island right now and the only disappointment you'd feel was having to leave without your dear Mike. You both pulled away and stood blushing in the moonlight. After a moment, he broke the silence.

"We should probably get to sleep, our teammates might wonder where we are."

"You're right," you sighed. "I'll see you in the morning," you promised and pulled him to you for one more kiss. You returned to your cabin and fell fast asleep, a smile on your face.

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