A picture's worth a thousand words

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A picture's worth a thousand words

Lucy couldn't help but scoff when she came out of her bathroom, seeing the fire dragon slayer sprawled out on her bed. "Are you really wearing that?"

Snapping out of his daze, Natsu glanced at his outfit, smiling when he turned back to his partner. "Of course! Don'tcha think it looks nice?"

Shaking her head, Lucy ignored the question. Today Fairy Tail was doing a photo shoot for Sorcerer Weekly, and everyone was asked to dress up for the occasion. Lucy sported a little black dress that hugged her curves comfortably and matching black boots while Natsu... Well, he went in a different direction.

Dark green pants tucked into black rain boots, his blue shirt matching nothing while his scaly white scarf hung loosely around his neck. Add that to his pink hair and Natsu equaled a fashion disaster.

Still, she had to admit it looked exactly like what someone would expect him to wear. He was always pushing the boundaries with his outfits. She had a feeling he was competing with Gray and his wild fashion sense, but she dismissed the thought in favor of fixing her hair.

Natsu raided her kitchen while she pulled her long blonde hair into two pig tails with black bows. She left a lock of hair free on both sides of her face to frame it. Smiling, she thought she did pretty well considering she didn't ask Cancer for any help.

"How do I look?" Lucy asked when she walked into the kitchen, paling when she saw Natsu shoving a whole turkey leg into his mouth, bones and all.

"Hmfph?" he asked, green eyes flitting until they landed on the form of the celestial wizard. Choking, Natsu pounded his fist against his chest until his airway was clear. "Damn! Why are you dressed like that?"

Under his intense gaze, she blushed. "Master told us to look our best... Why? Do you think it's too much?"

Realizing she misunderstood, Natsu shook his head. "It's not that, it's just..." He didn't know how to say every guy -and probably a few girls- wouldn't be able to keep their eyes off her. He always knew his partner was beautiful, but today she looked drop dead gorgeous.

He had half a mind to kidnap her and keep her all to himself instead of going to that photo shoot, but he knew Lucy was looking forward to it. Why? He didn't know. Sorcerer Weekly always printed articles about him, but he never felt flattered or thankful.

Of course his articles covered a lot of the damage he did to cities while on missions, but that was another story.

"Are you ready to go?" Lucy asked when she never got her answer. She figured she looked fine enough for a few pictures. Besides, the attention was bound to be on Erza and Mirajane, the two prettiest girls at the guild.

"Y-yeah!" Natsu set the turkey leg down, stomach no longer craving meat. He followed Lucy without another thought, lost in the gentle sway of her hips as she left her apartment.

The walk to Fairy Tail was peaceful. Lucy hummed quietly to herself while Natsu enjoyed the calming sound. Shaking away his earlier thoughts, he decided to be on his best behavior. He didn't want to ruin today for Lucy, or worse... Get on Erza or the Master's bad side.

It was no secret Natsu was destructive, even more so when his emotions got involved. He could sort things out later. Right now he wanted a clear mind. As long as he didn't do anything stupid, Lucy was sure to smile.

And he loved when she smiled.

"Natsu! Lucy!"

The two wizards glanced up, seeing the chipper blue exceed flying towards them. "Hey Happy!" Natsu called back, waving at his friend.

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