Heated Kisses

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Heated Kisses

Lucy opened the door to her apartment. She was mentally exhausted. Yet another one of her dates went awful. There wasn't exactly anything wrong with him like the others, he just didn't catch her interest. None of them seemed to be able to do that...

After a long soak in her bath she was feeling a little more refreshed, but she still couldn't shake the thought that she would never find the right guy. It didn't make sense to her. She'd been trying to date for the better part of six months now, and never had she made it past the first date.

She'd shared a few kisses with them, but that was it. It never made it past a rare goodnight kiss at the door, then she would never see them again. She didn't think it was fair to waste her time or theirs. She didn't want to say she was one of those people who believed that they should feel fireworks explode when they have their first kiss, but she couldn't deny that her bar was set pretty high. So far no guy had made her knees weak or made her see stars.

Lucy sighed, wondering if she was just not meant to be with someone. In nothing but a towel, she strolled over to her closet, her feet barely lifting from the floor as she walked. She pulled out a simple tank top and white mini skirt, knowing they would be comfy since the weather had started to warm up. She didn't think she'd be leaving her home again today anyway, so there was no point in worrying about her wardrobe.

Lucy was about to walk over to her desk to start writing, but a loud and cheery voice startled her.

"Hey Lucy!"

Said girl flinched, letting out an 'eep' as she whirled around to see the pink haired fire dragon slayer sitting on her living room floor. "Natsu! What the hell are you doing here?!"

Natsu raised a brow. "I came to hang out with you!" He said as if it were obvious, because to him, it was. He always loved spending time with her. "I didn't see you at the guild this morning."

"That's because I was out on a date," Lucy turned, not catching the way Natsu's eye twitched when she said 'date'. "Where's Happy? I swear if he's raiding my fridge again I'll-"

"Happy's not here," Natsu answered, his tone a little dejected.

Lucy easily picked up on his mood change. "What's wrong with you?" She asked, forgetting she was in nothing but a towel.

Natsu glanced up at her, his cheeks going pink before he looked back down at the playing cards in his hand. "Nothin'."

"Like I believe that." Lucy placed her hands on her hips, her clothing tucked under one of her arms. "Come on, spill it."

The dragon slayer grumbled something under his breath before saying, "you should probably get dressed... Your towel's slipping."

Sure enough, when Lucy looked down the towel was drifting further south. She quickly clutched it to her body, then stomped back to her bedroom, muttering that she wouldn't have to change in there if a certain intruder didn't barge into her place uninvited.

Natsu ignored her statements. If Lucy really didn't want him to come by she would lock her window. Instead it was always unlocked, sometimes even opened. He would respect her privacy if she had a more serious talk with him about it, but for now he would continue to pop into her place to hang out with her.

The celestial wizard came out a few minutes later. Her hair was brushed, now in two long pigtails. Her tank top was a little tight and her skirt was a little short, but she didn't mind. It's not like Natsu would check her out anyway. As far as she knew the boy didn't care about girls.

The girl sat down in front of Natsu, not saying a word as she scooped up the cards. He protested, but she ignored it in favor of setting up a game of poker. The boy smiled when he accepted his hand, settling into the game since it seemed to make Lucy's attitude shift for the better.

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