Chapter 4 |Edited|

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I saw the most adorable thing ever,It was a small guinea pig that was yellow and white

"Alfie, it's so cute!" I cradle it in my arms

"Well...Zoe suggested it"

"How did you know that I always wanted a guinea pig?"

''I just love guinea pigs and I thought that maybe you like them''

''Well Alfie tell her what happened''

We walk to the huge couch in the living room and all of us sit and the others sit on the floor

''So, Alfie tell me the story Tricia was saying''

''Okay so when I was like 9 and Tricia was 10. We had a pair of guinea pigs I grabbed them and I threw them into the pool because I wanted to see if they could swim''

''Yeah I used all my savings on them'' I mumbled

''Hey that was like 11 years ago'' Alfie says

''Awww Alfie that's terrible'' Zoe says

''Okay, so we are going to my room'' I grab Zoe and Andrea's arm and Andrea grips onto Jenn's arm

''Where are we going?'' Jenn asks

''My room'' I mumble

I let them in and I lock the door

''Girl time"

''Let's have a make over!'' Zoe says

''Ohhh let's choose each other's clothes for tonight's party!'' Andrea says

''Make up isn't my thing'' Jenn says

''Well we need to dress up nicely tonight'' Zoe smirks

''Ugh alright alright'' Jenn says

''Hey, the party starts at like 7 o'clock'' Ricky says thought the door

''We are just going shopping!"' I yell as I grab my wallet and see that the money I gave to Joe was in my pocket

We walk out of my room and down the stairs

"So...who can sacrifice their time to accompany us to the mall?" I say with my hands on my hips

Nobody answers

''Suit yourself we may get kidnapped'' Jenn says

''Alfie get your butt here!'' Zoe says

Alfie runs to us

''I'm coming too'' Joe says

''Wait...we need our bags'' Ricky in an embarrassed tone

I laughed so much...Ricky grabbed me and carried me over his shoulder

He carried me out and the rest walked out

''Where did you leave your bags?'' I ask

''Oh, uhm in a relatives house,we still need to look for a hotel'' kian says

''You can stay with us!'' I say happily

''Really?'' Ricky asks surprised

"Anything for my fiance"

There were a few awww's from the other guys and girls

''Wait...I forgot my phone!" I run to my room

I run down and I almost trip on something and I feel strong arms catch me

I look up to see Joe

''Thanks'' I punch his arm playfully

''Okay we will go to my relatives house for our bags!'' kian yells

''We will meet you here'' Zoe says

They nod and walk to another direction

"GET OUR BAGS!!!!'' Andrea and Jenn yell

'I need to clean up just bring Joe' Alfie runs in

'Bu-' Zoe says

'Okay Joe let's go!' I yell and grab his arm and Zoe's

Joe's POV

I was still bummed

She grabbed my Zoe and I's arms

"When is your birthday Tricia?" Zoe asks

"December 21!" She says energetically

I didn't know that she was that hyper

I really wanted to call her mine

''Do you really need to go shopping?'' I sigh

''Yup'' she says

Zoe hit me with her elbow

"What?" I say with a hint of anger

She looks at my arm

I notice that I was holding her hand

"oh my god I'm so sorry" I pat her hand and put it down

"What your problem?" Zoe whispers to me

''Hey guys I will just talk to Joe for a second here'' Zoe says and she pulls my ear

''Joseph what are you trying to do?!?!''

''I-I just can't help it she is everything I look for in a girl''

''Joe...she's engaged you can't do anything to that"

"I know'' I say quietly

''Joe I have to tell you something'' I look at her eye to eye

''Go on''

''Promise me to never tell this to Alfie....Alfie wanted you to end up with Tricia before he discovered the engagement'' my eyes widen

''So what's your point?''

''Alfie wants you to like be her boyfriend because he said that he hated hearing her cry about Ricky. Because she doesn't see him because they have a long distant relationship"

''So he planned that me and Tricia will be together?''


''Her hand fits in mine'' I whisper

"For god sakes Joseph didn't you hear me? The girl is engaged" she whispered/yelled

We walk to them;I see her admiring her ring,the glow of the ring reflected to her eyes

''Joe are you alright?'' Jenn asks

''Yeah I'm fine'' they start to walk and I stay behind them

''Joe!!!'' Tricia says

She runs beside me and we walk side by side

''Hey what happened with Zoe?'' She asks happily

''Its nothing'' I scratch my neck

She just smiles

''So when are you gonna ask the girl out?''


''The girl you were talking about when are you gonna ask her?''

The One (Thatcher Joe/ Joe Sugg fanfiction) |Slowly Editing|Where stories live. Discover now