Chapter 21

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Tricia's POV

We all hung out in my small hospital room

There was another knock on the door, Alfie opened it and there I saw, my ex Charlie McDonnelle

"Charls!" I scream and hug him tightly

"Hey Tricia!" He hugged back

Joe backed up and smiled

He lets go and looks at Joe

"Take care of Tricia, she needs some lovin' and food" Charlie said

"Hell yah!!!!" The boys entered

I hugged all of them

"Damn" a nurse entered and said

All of hem backed away as the nurse took my blood pressure and other stuff. When the nurse left, we started eating the pizza that Caspar brought

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Alfie opened it and my old friend Bea entered with a cop behind her

"Bea why are you in handcuffs?" I ask curiously

"You got amnesia and forgot that I was the reason you're here" she cries

She sits down on the chair next to me and I hug her

"I was drunk and I couldn't control myself I-I-" I put my finger in front of her mouth

"It's okay...I'm fine now, I remember everything" I hug her and she struggles to hug back

"Here" the cop takes off her handcuffs and she hugs me tightly

Bea and I were childhood friends like Erica, Bri and Lindsay but she stopped seeing me for a reason and I don't know why....

Bea had black short hair and she was a pure Asian but she grew up here in the UK. She is very sarcastic and funny but during dark times, she changes into a totally new person

Everybody except Bea, Erica,Bri and Lindsay leave my room

"Why haven't you been coming to us lately?" We ask Bea

She looks down at her hands and starts tearing up

"I-I didn't get to tell you that my mom and dad including my brother died in a planecrash a few years ago"

My mom and dad also died because of a plane crash so I know how it feels

I hug her tightly and pat her back

"Why didn't you tell us?" I ask

"I felt like I was the one who was supposed to die"

"Hey don't worry, you have us now" we all group hug together


SUPER SHORT CHAPTER, I KNOW.I am literally fresh out of ideas (个_个) andddd I am leaving for another vacation because my birthday is coming up (●´∀`●) yayyyy

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