Ice skating

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Requested by @DracoMalfoyLoverxxxx
-Caraline's pov-
"Look, I rock the ice so you should watch out" Shawn chuckles and I playfully roll my eyes as I tie my skates up.

"I wish I could say I doubt that, but you're a Canadian." I frown and he smiles, leaning down and pressing his lips onto mine.

"But, please be carefully" He says as we step into the ice. I nod and take his hand.

He skates around and I don't do much work, just hang on. The whole time I was giggling and Shawn had the biggest smile on his face, everything was perfect.

He stops and wraps his arms around my waist, kissing me. Life couldn't get any better, I was happy, had the boy of my dreams, what could go wrong?

"Wanna try it on your own?" He suggests, I nod and he starts skating slowly as I do the same. We'd get faster by the minute, at the point we were racing, trying not to bump into people.

I skate faster then I ever could and I pass Shawn, I took back to make sure I was ahead. But I soon crash into someone, I fall down on the ice.

I try moving but I couldn't, I then feel a sharp pain on my hand.

I lift my head up to find my hand cut open, and a worried Shawn skating up to me. Everyone on the rink gasps and I scream at the bloody state of my hand.

"Caraline, how do you manage to hurt yourself every time we do something?" He jokes but I couldn't help the tears, i breakout in tears and Shawn frowns as his joke didn't make me feel better.

"Who the hell skated over her though? Does anyone know how to be safe? Maybe even care about others? I don't know, maybe you should watch where you were going you-"

"That'll be enough sir" the paramedic says as he helps bandage up my hand, it wasn't deep enough for me to get stitches, thank god.

"Sorry" Shawn says smiling softly as he holds my hand.

"Is she ok? She fell pretty hard" He asks, I was sitting on his lap since we had to leave the rink so it could get cleaned.

"She seems so to be ok, but for the hand make sure to keep it covered for 3 days, then let it be free. It should heal in about a week" the paramedic replies.

"Thank you" I sniff and Shawn frowns pushing hair behind my ear.

"Hey hey, I know you got hurt, but don't cry, smile. I love seeing that-"

I smile.

"Yes! That! So beautiful darling" He says and kisses my lips.

Shawn Mendes Imagines - Book 1 *CRINGE*Where stories live. Discover now