Chapter 16, Terin's Kisses

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Warning; hints of sexual imagery ahead.

Jungkook eats his crackers. Biting and nibbling as if a bunny has a gun directed at its head, the boy doesn't stop even when Taehyung and Jimin laugh at him stuffing his face.

"You nervous about something?" Jimin asks, laughing but showing concern, "I haven't seen you eat this much in a while. You good?"

"I'm fine," he spits. Cracker pieces fly embarrassingly out of his mouth. Without a glance, a sheepish smile gazes his woken state and Taehyung begins the questioning.

"Now I'm convinced that nothing is fine," the idol sighs out, resting on his elbows while standing near Jimin and Jungkook in the kitchen. "What's on your mind?"


"Jungkook," Jimin warns, trying to steal the crackers away, "We're serious, just talk to us if something is bothering you."

"It's nothing, I swear."

Jimin and Taehyung narrow their eyes at the same time, to similar degrees. Sighing, the maknae spots their questionable glances and notes to break in, with a toss of his crackers away from him, the youngest watches them slide across the counter before paying attention to the eyes gawking his way.

"It's Jin hyung."

"What about Jin hyung?" Jimin asks, closing in further. With a guy for slits as eyes, this process was alarming.

"And Hobi hyung," Jungkook adds with a sigh.

"What about Ho—"

"And Namjoon hyung," Jungkook whispers this, not wanting anyone to hear across the hallways where everyone slowly wakes to dress.

"I—" cutting Jimin off, Jungkook gets the last name out, being dramatic and extra with his sighs that plaster along with his words.

"...and Yoongi hyung."

"I understand the worry for Hobi hyung, maybe even the secretive behaviour of Namjoon and Yoongi hyung... but Jin hyung has been somewhat reliable and alright." Jimin says this in attempts to help, but none of it works as Jungkook coughs in on a secret he has been dying with.

"Hobi hyung we understand more of, I mean we've seen how mad his woman gets. They've got issues and I can see why he's stressed...I mean he has a child and working on eventually marrying his—" ["Accidental Father" references]

"No need to run down, just get to the point," Taehyung proposes, suddenly feeling the anxiety Jungkook is placing on the counter—like his poor crackers earlier.

"I'm just," Jungkook nibbles on his bottom lip, "Did any of you see who Yoongi hyung was with last night?"

"Yeah, he was with Namjoon...they were talking about the new songs," Jimin bluntly addresses, not knowing what was so aweing of the situation.

"They weren't alone in his room, that's what you don't understand. I saw a woman in there with them before Namjoon hyung left his room to sleep—I hid quick before he could see that I was awake." Jungkook glances over his shoulder, making sure none else join the kitchen tales.

"Are you sure you saw a woman?" Taehyung asks, intrigued, while Jimin asks, "Why were you spying?"

Both, the maknae and Taehyung glare over at Jimin in disbelief, "There's a chick we don't know lurking around our dorm, and you're worried about Jungkook not minding his own business?"

Jimin shrugs, blush revealing at his cheeks.

With a shake of his head, Taehyung looks back at Jungkook. Like two whispering aunties, both now gossiping and trying to form theories of who this woman is.

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