Chapter 3

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Kaname:"Lol sure. Also I forgot to ask but what are your guys quirks?"

Ami: "When I touch someone from the palm of my hands or my fingers they automatically start to projectile vomiting. That's why I wear gloves all the time."

Kaname:"Oh cool I can change stuffs!"

Ami: "What does that mean?"

Kaname:" the teacher looking?"

Ami: "No she's by the back with some popular kids."

Kaname:"Ok give me your pencil Ami. Now watch closely."*The pencil turns into a pen in a second.*

Kaname:"I don't really know anything about how this works though. So I can't explain it but I am pretty good at it if I say so myself."

Ami: "Oh cool cool, what about you Fea?"

Feather: "It's hard to explain it myself. I call it magician magic, I can do a bunch of things."

Kaname:"Like what? Is it similar to mine in any way?"

Feather: "You could almost say that. Put the pen down."

*Kaname puts the pen down smiling way too much.*

Feather: *Points her finger and out comes a bit of magic towards the pen making it float and write down Kaname's and Ami's name. Then she puts her hands down onto her lap and looks over at an empty chair making it float into the air and turns into balloons making them pop. Having everyone's heads turn to the sound.*

Kaname:"What? We aren't doing anything...."*Kaname cowers behind Ami.*

Teacher: *Sigh* "Who ever did that please bring back another chair."

*Two separate chairs come back with a bow tied to them*

Teacher: "Thank you, no where were we? Oh why didn't you bring a backpack to school?"

Feather: "I could do more, but it's better if I did it in private or outside."

Kaname:"Fea don't do that again, Everyone looked at us...."

Feather: "They didn't exactly look at us... You just thought they looked at us. They're all making friends and making airplanes."

Kaname:"Airplanes? I WANNA MAKE AIRPLANES!"

Guy: "Dude what?"

Ami: "Oh uh nothing, nothing at all! Heheh... Kaname shhh."

Kaname:"Shut up grandma. You're not the boss of me. I wanna make airplanes in the night sky like shooting stars I could really use a wish right a wish right a wish right nowwww!"

Ami: "Great singing."

Feather: "Do you want paper airplanes fly around the class? I can do that don't worry, nobody will know a thing if you don't seem like it's us."

Kaname:"No that's just weird...I wanna put legs on the airplanes duh."

Ami: "Oh, legs?"

Feather: "Kay cat legs at it is."

*She gets out a random piece of paper out and it holds into a normal looking airplane and it pops out some little tiny cat legs and starts walking around on the desk.*

Kaname:"Aww I wanna do it and you're doing it wrongggg!"*Kaname makes her palm flat and a paper airplane slowly appears with hairy legs attached.*

Kaname:"They have to be like the legs you see in cartoons duhhhh."

Ami: "Hairy legs?..."

Feather: "Oh okay. I didn't know that's what you wanted." *Another airplane appears and cartoon cat legs and a tail are attached walking around the desk.*

Kaname:"No stop this is creepy!"*Kaname covers her eyes and recites the alphabet happily bouncing back and forth in her seat.*

*The airplanes disappear and two cupcakes appear on the table.*

Ami: "Ooh cupcakes, but I don't eat sweets that often."

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