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A/N: I've finally done it! I've decided to bring this story back and rewrite it! I've grown a lot in my writing since I first started this book and I'm confident I can do this plot justice now! I hope you enjoy and as always, Feedback is always appreciated!


His fingers desperately clutched onto the side of the building. His fingertips were white from supporting the weight of his body as he dangled off the roof of the hotel. His lips moved in a rushed state, his eyes were wide in terror as he stared up at me, his gaze locked onto mine. He was screaming, practically begging me to reach my hand forward and help him. The gun in my hand suddenly felt light, the barrel still warm from the shots I fired earlier. It would be so easy...all I have to do is walk away. If I walked away now, this man who's caused me nothing but pain would die, and I want nothing more than for this man to bleed out in front of me as I watch the life leave his eyes. I felt my body move on instinct. I found myself crouched on the roof, my hand tightened around the gun before pointing it right between his pitiful eyes that begged me to stop. The once mute world around me suddenly came back to life and I heard his words all too clearly.

"Don't do this! You can't kill me!" He begged. The irony of his words caused my lips to form into the sinister smile that I'd come to hate. That they have taught me to hate. The smile I'd used to kill hundreds of people. What was one more? The dry chuckle that left my throat caused my stomach to turn uncomfortably. I had promised them I'd never laugh like this again.

"Why not? It's what I do. It's who I am." I laughed bitterly as his face crumpled under me.

"I thought you decided to turn your back on that life! Didn't you make some kind of promise to those boys? Are you going to-"

"-DON"T TALK ABOUT THEM!" I interrupted through clenched teeth. The gun in my hand shook violently, remembering the promises I made, and how badly I wanted nothing more than to break them all by pulling the trigger. "This is what you did to me!" I laughed manically. My hand suddenly stopped shaking, my finger tightened around the trigger, just a little bit more pressure...and it'd all be over. He'd be dead, and I wouldn't even feel a bit of guilt about it. I'd be beyond happy. In fact, I'd enjoy it. The thought made me want to cringe. I had thought that I'd changed. I really believed he had changed me for the could I have been so stupid? Someone like me, someone who enjoyed killing people could never change. I don't deserve a happy ordinary life with all of them. I deserve to fall into the pit of insanity that's been chasing me for years, to lose myself to the darkness inside me and rot in the hell that follows.

"Please, don't do this...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I'll do anything just please...don't kill me!" He cried. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his voice cracked helplessly.

"Unfortunately for you, I don't have the ability to save people. I'm only a jinx. I bring death and destruction everywhere I go. These hands...they only know how to kill." I spoke slowly. Making sure he hung onto every last word. I trailed the barrel of the gun slowly across his face. Down his nose before going across his cheeks. I watched as his pupils shook wildly, a sign of pure terror. He knew...He knew now he was going to die, and I'd be the one to kill him. I paused once I reached the space under his chin. I smirked before pressing the gun roughly against him, causing his head to tip back painfully. "Don't be're going to be killed by the monster you helped create! And once you're gone, I'll break like the puppet I've always been. You should be honored! In the end, killing you means killing myself too."

"You're going to burn in hell, you jinxed bitch." He spat out, the terror in his eyes was struggling to remain hidden under a cloud of hatred and his last attempts at hurting me only succeeded in making me laugh.

"I'll meet you there."

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