Chapter 4

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A/N: Feedback is always appreciated! I'm a little unsure about this chapter and how it comes across so please let me know what you think :)

Chapter 4-

The blue door stood in front of us, left ajar from Hemi came in before us. It was strange, for some reason I found myself unable to push the door open and walk inside the home. Trace glanced at me from the side; obviously confused but stood patiently beside me, not moving an inch. The decision to push open the door was taken away from me when it suddenly flew open. A small boy ran out, maybe a bit younger than Trace. He noticed us quickly but didn't have time to stop himself, his body crashed into mine causing him to fall backwards. I managed to catch myself at the last moment and stay standing.

"Ow..." He complained while sitting on the ground in front of me. He rubbed the bottom of his back while wincing before stopping to look up at me. "Sorry about that." He apologized.

"Kai! I told you no running in the house." A male voice yelled out from inside. A man came to the door looking like an older version of the boy in front of me. My spine went rigid impulsively, I didn't have a lot of experience around adults. Those I did meet were targets and subsequently died shortly after.

"I know, I know. Sorry, Kane." Kai sighed while shaking his brother off. Remembering the file, I realized that the oldest Logan brother was 20 years old but, I hadn't been prepared for him to seem so...grown? Kane helped his brother up from the ground before he turned to face Trace and I.

"Sorry about my brother, He's kind of a handful." Kane laughed slightly while smiling at us. Trace moved backwards before shuffling his feet so he was somewhat behind me. Unlike me, Trace had a lot of experience with adults. Unfortunately, they weren't what I would classify as good experiences. My silence seemed to throw him off guard as his smile dropped a bit.

"Kane, I'm going to go practice." Kai spoke up.

"Kai, we talked about this." Kane sighed before crouching down to meet his brother's gaze. Even though Hemi had just done the same thing to Trace not even ten minutes ago, it was still weird to watch. "You can't go outside yet. Dad says it's not safe."

"I need to practice." Kai grumbled out. Kane sighed, giving up and focusing his attention back on us.

"I guess you're the last two guards?" Kane questioned.

"No, I'd be the last guard." I answered immediately. Kane raised a brow before glancing at Trace quickly.

"I see, making the boy behind you-"

"Kane! They said it's time for introductions!" A voice called from inside the home. This one was male too but definitely not as deep as Kane's.

"Well, I guess we should go inside." Kane smiled before stepping in with a pouting Kai. Trace and I followed behind him, entering the living room. The cozy feeling you got from the exterior of the house continued inside as well. The couches were a deep brown leather that seemed slightly worn. The walls were painted a light gray color with white trimming. There were pictures hung up all over the room that caught my attention. I'd never seen anything like it. The floor was wood and there was a plush gray carpet between the couches in the middle of the room. I took note of all the people currently crowded around the couches in the room. Captain sat with Hemi beside him. Bandit sat on the carpet by Captains feet and Gunnar stood directly behind Hemi. A small girl sat on Hemi's lap, she fiddled with a tablet in her lap, never once looking up from the screen. On the other couch, Kane had sat himself beside a boy who looked a bit younger than me. The boy's brown hair was tousled on top of his head messily. A weird book on his lap that he read silently. I recognized his face from the photo in the folder I received from Kit. His name was Charles Logan, though he preferred to be called Charlie. He was fourteen years old and a freshman in high school. Beside him sat another face I recognized from the folder. Elias Logan, eighteen years old and expected to be the next head of the Price Company. He was a senior in High school and as such would be graduating at the end of the year. He sat quietly on the edge of the couch. Looking bored with the situation. His eyes glided across the room before catching mine. His orbs were a dazzling crystal blue color that reflected back everything like a mirror. Even though I was a couple feet away from him, I could see my own reflection clearly. It was unnerving. Kai sat on the ground in front of his brothers, holding a white and black ball in his lap. Kai Logan was the youngest of the four at 7 years old. Unlike his brother, he seemed interested in what was going on around him.

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