Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-

We'd only made it halfway up the dirt road when I got a familiar feeling in my stomach. I honesty hadn't anticipated that I would need to be on guard, I had just made an infuriatingly ignorant mistake. My steps faltered a bit, Trace noticed this and immediately his eyes widened. His instincts immediately picking up on what I was feeling but it was already too late. His foot pressed down onto the ground and immediately, up from the dirt sprang some type of metallic vines that wrapped themselves around Trace's leg. I watched in stunned silence as the vines immediately covered the space between Trace's knee and ankle before looking up to meet the eyes of the now panicked eight year old.

"Trace, don't you dare move." I spoke in what could only come out as a coarse whisper. Trace nodded silently, his body tense as he attempted to stay as still as possible. Our bags had dropped to the ground beside him and I couldn't be more relieved for that, staying absolutely still with heavy bags on either shoulder was an impossibly tall request. I registered the sound of footsteps coming up behind me causing my body to tense up even more than it already was.

"He can stay as still as a statue and it wouldn't help him." A voice spoke up. I turned to face a boy who seemed to be about seventeen years old. His blue eyes were hard and unwelcoming. I took immediate notice of the gun holstered on his waist and the remote in his hand. Another boy stood beside him, this one slightly younger, maybe fifteen or sixteen. His face was void of emotions and his hazel orbs stared intently at me, his body tense and alert. He was ready to pounce in an instant. Next to him stood a young girl, maybe ten? Her body was relaxed unlike everyone else. Her brown orbs looked at me in what I can only describe as distaste. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail that swayed roughly as a gust of wind suddenly blew. It was silent for a moment before I finally spoke.

"Oh? And you are..." I trailed off. I relaxed my body before flipping a bit of hair behind my shoulder. Refusing to show the burning anger in my stomach.

"My name is Captain. I'm the leader of the team for this mission which, makes me your superior." He spoke with an absolute tone. He was trying to leave no room for argument. Unfortunately, I always find room to argue.

"Really? Is that what you think? Last I checked I don't answer to anyone."

"Well, that's not true." Captain laughed sarcastically. "After all, you are Gehenna's dog." He spat out. I growled at the name but moved on.

"I'd appreciate if you let this boy go. He belongs to me and I don't appreciate people laying their hands on what's mine." I'd attempted to ask politely, I really did but my words were spoken with an underlying growl. It was a clear threat.

"I will release him once you stand down." Captain spoke tensely. Obviously registering the threat. "This is my team and my assignment. I refuse to let a jinx like you walk in and fuck everything up."

"If you don't let him go, this won't end well. Unlike you low-rankers-"All three of them visibly narrowed their eyes at me, clearly offended. "- I've never had to hold back before. To be honest, I'm not even sure I can." I smiled menacingly. The younger boy flinched but soon found his focus. I smirked, I had scared him. Captain matched my smile, before pressing a button on the remote. A sudden choked gargle could be heard behind me as I whipped my head back to see Trace crouched on the ground. His small hands desperately tried to pry the metallic vines off his leg as they viciously clenched around him. His mouth was open as the horrible sound escaped from his lips. That horrible sound was Trace screaming, as long as I'd known him he had never been able to speak, this sound was as close to a scream he could manage. I gritted my teeth before looking back at Captain, who appeared unfazed. The other two were clearly surprised by Trace's scream. The young girl quickly got over the shock before putting her attention back on me, but the boy's expression suddenly seemed a bit unsure.

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