Spaceship Earth

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Thank you for reading. This is my first Supernatural fanfic. I hope you guys enjoy it. It switches POV's between Dean, Castiel and Sam. Let me know what you guys think! ^_^


 Was it possible for the world to go back in it's history? I hoped the answer was no, but I was wrong. It's already 2649 and the world population is no longer in the billions. We've managed to destroy our planet and the small amount of people left now live on the Galaxy Mercury. It's a large space shuttle that's pretty much an artificial Earth. 

  If you're wondering why the Earth is a wasteland, it's because of the WW4. Well I guess I should say, WW4 was the last domino. There were barely survivors, and those who were lucky enough to be survivors from places that were nuked, well, they're in a quarantined  area of the ship. My parents are in that section. John and Mary. My dad was a soldier and my mom a nurse. They were lucky to be alive. Not many people from their troop made it. They're both bed ridden and any time my brother or myself go to see them, we're told we don't have clearance. Which is complete bull shit.  

  Anyway, On GM things are much different than on Earth. For one, there aren't any countries. There's no flag, no army. We no longer need lawyers, police, soldiers, jails. Nome of that. Why? Because it's a boring peaceful ship with no crime. Not saying I want crime, but it's so boring.  

  I guess one good thing is we have internet and all that. Which is good for a guy like me. Because hell, I need my porn.  

  My baby brother Sam, or Sammy as I like to call him when I'm in a good mood, always gets on my case when I start talking about it. He's busy studying to be a doctor. Mostly because I think he wants to see our parents. Sam was only about 4 when we got moved onto the ship.  He's a lot more accustomed to life here. It's still a little harder for me. I was 9 so I can remember more about our life on Earth. 

  We had a nice home with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. There was a nice big yard and wooden fence. We had a dog... Not that I really went near it. Sammy misses our dog personally, I'm not shedding any tears.  

  What else can I tell you... Oh I guess I can tell you about myself. My name's Dean Winchester. I'm 19, and I'm a mechanic on the ship. I've been taking care of Sammy since we came here. I'm renting a two room, one bath apartment sector. I like pie and burgers. I'm single and don't really date anyway.  

  My brother Sam is 14, but he acts a lot older. He's in the school program on sponsorship. He eats healthy and studies way too much.  

  Well that's all I can think of right now and I'm in despite need of a burger. 

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