Act 4:A deal with The devil....again

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Mugman never thought that he would ever do this but he loved Cala Maria he was willing to do anything for her.Mugman,alone,walked up to the devil's casino.He knew that anything could happen but he was willing.He pushed the heavy doors then slowly creeping inside.Mugman saw King Dice in the corner of his eye,backed up slowly.King Dice notice Mugman and smirked walking up to Mugman.
"Well well look what the cat dragged in"King Dice hissed.Mugman started to sweat,
"U-u-um I-I w-want to a m-m-make a deal" Mugman nervously requested,Mugman began trembling with fear.
"You just won't learn your lesson will ya"King Dice hissed in a whisper.King Dice face palmed and took Mugman to the devil's office,he opened the door there was the devil himself counting up money while smoking a cigar.
"Boss someone wants to make a deal with you" King Dice announced,the devil looked up from the cash he was counting.
"Well,well if it isn't Mugman,you're here for Cala Maria aren't cha" The devil snickered.
"H-how do you know?!", Mugman demand,the devil leaned in close to Mugman
"I have eyes that are always watching"The devil sniper staring in Mugman's eyes with daggers.Mugman trembled more,
"Now tell me what's deal you wanna make with me?" He asked.Mugman gulped,
"I want to trade my soul for Cala Maria's debt so that she can live peacefully without worrying about her debt" Mugman blurred.The Devil began laughing evilly,
"Very well Cala Maria will be free from her debt but you'll have to work for me until the day you die,do we have a deal?" He asked pulling out a glowing yellow contract with a pen.Mugman looked away from the horror and sighed the contract.

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