Chapter 2

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"No matter how many fronts I have this roof leaks!"

Complained a loud Hunk to a listening Shiro and Allura. All three of them had faces of confusion.


Yelled Keith as he swinged from the roof and onto the ground.

"The problem wasn't with the fronts but you needed to shift the wind to the post. "

He said as he grabbed some nuts.

"This is really good nuts."

He looked up to see a giggling Hunk. Keith quickly blushed realizing what he just said and implied.

"Well I gotta zoom outta here and to the medical tent and um... stuff."

Keith said and punched Hunk lightly on the shoulder as he sped outta there.

When he got to the tent he learned how to comfort someone going through pain.

"Hey it's okay? "

Keith said cringing at the awkwardness of his voice. He was holding a strangers hand. He really didn't feel much sympathy for this man. The man was only getting a tattoo after all.

"Your doing great? After all it's so close to being done. "

Keith said with uncertainty laced through his voice. He didn't know that being a chief would require this much patience. If it weren't for Shiro he would have left this island of Altea long ago.

That had not been the worst thing that happened today though. Keith had to teach a bunch of kids how to dance properly. No matter how many times he had repeated himself they would not listen.

Especially this kid who goes by Pidge but her real name is Katie. She came out with different moves that were sassier than the traditional dance. But Keith would not argue or decline that Pidge's movements were way better that his. However this kid had tried to flirt with Keith many times only earning awkward chuckles in return.

But what really worried him was that a women had complaints about the coconuts.

Keith looked at his older brother worried. Allura also shared the look of despair.

"This morning when we were harvesting our coconuts one of them cracked. Inside there was a black dust instead of the white meat and milk. Then when we cracked open another one we figured out all of them were like this."

Keith looked around worriedly and an idea finally came to mind.

"Why don't we just clear out the diseased trees and plant a new patch some where else? Like maybe over there?"

The lady smiled at Keith.

"Thank you Keith."

She looked over at Shiro and Allura.

"Your younger brother is doing great!"

Shiro looked over at Keith with pride filled eyes.

Then there was the fishing guys.

"Our traps are pulling less and less fish each time we go to collect. This time there were none sir. "

Keith thought carefully.

"Why not rotate the fishing grounds? Or maybe go to the eastern side of the island?"

"We tried all of that. "

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