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Sometimes I wonder. Wonder what it's like to enjoy every waking moment with the person you're completely infatuated with. I tend to ponder on the thought of hand holding and cuddling, what it may be like to go on a date and kiss in the rain. And just to know how it feels to have your adrenaline pumping and your heart racing as you stand in front of them, about to hug, kiss, touch...

I raise my eyes from the soft unwrinkled pages of my book and try to pick out the words on the television. I trail my vision down the long list of upcoming flights that are to soon arrive and once I have found the flight, I could feel my heart accelerate. I breathe out with a long nervous sigh, slipping my bookmark between the opened page of my book. As I close it, I smile, a wide goofy grin that is unable to be hidden as I bite my lip. I run my thumb along the cover of my copy of The Lightning Thief by Rick Riodan and thought for a moment. Isn't a human completely incapable of smiling until their face hurts? I was clearly proven wrong when I started to see things that reminded me of him. I've never seen myself smile so big and I think if anyone could see me right now they would think that I am absolutely on crack.

I stand to my feet quickly as I hear the intercom announce the flight exiting. My palms start to clam up and I could feel as if my heart was going to jump out of my chest and begin to run away screaming. Holding my book close to my chest, I rest my chin on the top of it. My stomach churns with anticipation and my knees could possibly give out on me and right at this very moment I couldn't give a shit about what could happen, but more about what is about to happen. More people continue to walk from the gate, greeting their significant others as well as family members; even friends.

Suddenly, it feels as if every bit of oxygen was completely extracted from my body. I was paralyzed from head to toe and I don't really know if I was looking like a complete fool right now but I couldn't help but be stunned. The moment our eyes catch one another it's as if the whole world had slowed down. Cliché, I know, but right now nothing else mattered but us. Finally, I take a step forward, my body mustering the strength to move. I bite down on the inside of my cheek as he smiled and quite frankly I never thought in a million years I would get to see that smile up close. I begin to break free from my paralyzed state, I take a few steps towards him until we've come chest to chest and I couldn't help but inhale the heavenly scent of his cologne.

"Hi..." I whisper quietly under my breath, still looking up into his eyes and I'm astonished by every little detail of his face. He's here, he's actually here. He chuckles deeply and I resist the urge to pounce on him. The sound of his voice makes me want to sleep in on a rainy day and cuddle with him. God, I can't wait for those days.

"Hi, love..."

I almost gasp as his arms wrap around me and tightly squeeze my torso. I lean back slightly under his hold, looking up as his forehead gently presses to mine. My body was a nervous wreck and all I could feel now was the swam of butterflies roaming inside my tummy and the way my skin tingles every time he strokes the tips of his fingers on my lower back.

Within a few seconds, I could feel my cold lips gain warmth from his as he kisses me. I realize that I can no longer contain myself and instantly I wrap my arms around his neck. I try to gain some height as I step up on my tippy toes and I could feel a small smile pull at his lips. As he pulls away I stop myself from letting out a disappointing groan, wanting the kiss to last just a few seconds longer.

"I love you." He mumbles against my parted lips. I look into his eyes, my lips curling into a smile.

"I love you too."

He pulls me closer into his embrace, tucking his face into my neck and I laugh as I feel him inhale my scent. I keep my arms around his neck just as tight and lean my chin on his shoulder. I couldn't help but notice this warm cozy feeling inside of me. It wasn't the hug, or the kiss, or the touch...

It was something more than that. I've never felt an emotion as strong as this one. The feeling drove me insane and I couldn't explain it. And for that moment, I think I could only truly describe this feeling in one word...


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