The Search has Started

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Disclaimer:I do not own Fairy Tail or any of the artwork all the work belongs to Hiro Mashima and people who made the artwork. Sorry if I spelled it wrong now let's start!
Author:What lovely singing voice you have there.....
Gajeel:Thanks,do you want me to sing more?
Author:Uhh,no save your voice for a special occasion..!
Gajeel:Hm ok,but can I ask a question? *Smirks*
Author:*Nervous* ok ask away...!
Gajeel:What do you like about my singing?
Author:I like......its pointy teeth?
Gajeel:Idiot! That's from the Red Riding Hood!
Author:I knew that....!
Gajeel:Then what do you like?
Author:How fluffy it is..?
Gajeel:That's it! *Gets up and chases Author*
Author's sister:Yay that means I get this account!
Author:Hey! Just start the chapter!
Author's sister:Aye! Let's get started!
Chapter 39

Lucy's P.O.V
Once we finally cleaned up the guild hall we started to make a plan. "How about we ambush them?" Gray suggested. "That would be a great idea but we don't know where they are!" Levy-Chan retorted. That's when master stepped in. "Brats I have news from the Grand Magic Games!" He said. "We don't have time to worry about that!' I shouted back at him. "I know that child." He simply answered back." "Then why are you going to tell us some news that's not important right now?!" This time Gajeel shouted. "That is because we are making a new team!" He informed. "What why?" The now confused Gajeel asked. "Well that is because Twilight Ogre was found doing something illegal and is now disqualified." He said. After a little while he continued. "So they asked us to do a favor and make the teams balance out." "How are we going to do that?" Laina asked. "By taking out Fairy Tail Team B and making a brand new team!" "Ok so who is going to be in it?" Mira asked while cleaning  the bar. "The new team will consist of  Juvia Lockser,Gajeel Redfox, Mirajane Strauss,Laxus Dreyar,Levy McGarden,Mya Vermilion for reserves!" "Wait!" "What about us?!" I questioned. His face quickly brightened. "Well my dear, Team Natsu including Wendy and Dragon Heart will search for the hideout that they are keeping Natsu,Erza and Happy in!" He yelled. We nodded and agreed that we will head out tomorrow.
Next day

Lucy's P.O.V
Both groups woke up early and went to a forest that looks like it suits demons. "How do we know it's this forest they are hiding in?" Wendy asked. "I Smell a bit of Zeref-Nee's scent here." I answered her. "Ugh,why can't we fly there!" Mori complained. "Because we can't risk missing anything Nature Freak!" Gray shouted as he tried to punch him. Keyword tried. Laina just sighed as she muttered something about how cute Mori is or something along those lines. "Quit your bickering we're here to rescue our nakamas not fight our current nakamas!" I said as I gave death glares at the people who were having a friendly chat. Note the sarcasm. "Wow someone is grumpy!" Gray muttered. That's when I started to have a dark aura. My Dragon Heart friends knows what I can do,started to back away. "Hey why are you backing away?" Cute little Wendy asked. Aphina quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and dragged her to a safe spot. Once everyone I wanted was safe I turned back to Gray. "Gray lets hope you come back alive..!" I said with a dark aura behind me. (After Gray's little beating) "so did you learn your lesson?!" I questioned the somewhat alive Gray. I could see him slowly nod. "Good!" I say as I turned to a bush. "You can come out now!" I shouted out to my friends. They slowly come out and their face turned to like they've seen a ghost. "What?" I questioned as I started to drag Gray by the shirt and walking off. The others followed silently. We are coming guys! I thought.
Ok,I hope you enjoyed that! Anyway what do you think about this chapter? I mean I hope you liked it! And one more thing check out my previous thing I uploaded. Now enough of my ramble! Byeeeee!
Author's sister:Hi guys!
Lucy:Wait,isn't Author supposed to be here?
Author's sister:Oh,she's getting ripped up by Gajeel!
Lucy:You make it sound like a normal thing!
Author's sister:Well it was her fault.
Lucy:Wait,why is she getting ripped up by Gajeel?!
Author's sister:Because he insulted Gajeel's singing.
Lucy:Oh that's understandable!
Author's sister:Lets end this before she comes back..
Lucy:Yeah good idea!
Author's sister and Lucy:See you next time!

Words: 774

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