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     Willow awoke very early in the morning, and since nobody else was awake, she was writing in a pad of paper observations of her current companions.

     Wilson- Intelligent. Scientist. Taller than 5' 2", possibly 5'8"? Red waistcoat, white undershirt, and black pants. British accent- immigrant? United Kingdom citizen? Age unknown.

     Wendy- Mentioned Abigail- who is Abigail? Possible imaginary friend/hallucination? Need more info. White shirt, red skirt, red and white stockings up to mid-thigh. White mary-janes. Age unknown. Crimson chrysanthemum tucked into the right side of hair. Blonde hair rests at mid-back. Intelligent. Mentioned catcoon- what is a catcoon? Has blowdart- where from? Has an unnerving fascination with mortality.

     Wolfgang- Knows a bit of English- not his first language? Speaks with incorrect grammar. Well-muscled. Mentioned working in a circus. Mentioned many fears, including spiders and darkness. At least 6' 0" tall. Age unknown.

     Willow sighed quietly, her legs aching from the traveling her and the group had done. Wendy slept near Wolfgang, which was to be expected. She must have known Wolfgang better since they'd been traveling together. Wilson slept to her left, covered in her woolen blanket. She watched the fire, placing a log onto it. She watched the flames as they waved, and she fought the urge to wave back. Wendy stirred, opening her eyes.

     "Hello, Wendy." Willow greeted. The child looked at her with undisguised admiration, and Willow smiled.

     "Hi." Wendy replied, her voice quiet. "Why aren't you asleep?"

     "I woke up earlier." Willow said, doodling in the margin of the paper. "I've just been writing."

     "Oh. Abigail loved writing." Wendy replied, looking away. "I miss her."

     "Is Abigail a friend of yours?" Willow asked, sensing something much darker in Wendy's eyes.

     "My sister," Wendy replied, reaching into her chest pocket and pulling out a pink water lily bud. "This was her flower. She died a few months ago." Wendy began to cry, and Willow placed a hand on her shoulder.

     "It's okay, sweetie. I bet Abigail is watching you and making sure you're safe." Willow lied. She didn't believe in any sort of afterlife.

     "Really?" Wendy asked, her face lighting up. Willow nodded. "If Abigail was here, I'm sure she would love you." Wendy commented, hugging Willow's torso. Willow placed a hand on Wendy's side. "Your shirt smells like smoke." Wendy commented.

     "I've been around fires all my life. I haven't lived in a house for what... I don't know... eight years now, if I've done the math right. I've lived in the woods." Willow reminisced, yearning for her nightly bonfires. Wendy gasped.

     "That sounds really hard," Wendy mumbled. "Abigail and I used to play in the woods, and when our uncle came to visit, he would play too." Wendy said with a sigh.

     "You two are chattering like starlings," Wilson mumbled.

     "Did we wake you?" Willow asked, looking back at him.

     "No. What were you guys talking about?" Wilson sat up, placing the blanket on Willow's shoulders. He sat beside Wendy, looking back up at Willow once he was situated.

     "Our lives, before coming here. Personally, a lot hasn't changed." Willow remarked, earning a confused look from Wilson. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Willow snapped.

     "I'm sorry," Wilson apologized. "But what do you mean a lot hasn't changed? I'm still not used to being without a roof over my head." Both Willow and Wendy both shot Wilson accusing looks.

Pyrotechnics (Willow X Wilson) (A Don't Starve Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now