Chapter 1

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"Once there was only ocean filled with water. Until one day the mother island emerged from it. Her name was Te Fiti, her heart held the greatest power ever known.

It could even create life itself! And Te Fiti shared it with the whole world. But in time some began to seek her heart for selfish reasons. They believed if they possessed it, the great power of creation would be theirs.

And one day, the most daring of them all voyaged across the vast sea to find it. He was the Demi God of the wind and sea. He was a warrior, a trickster! He was a shapeshifter who could change form with the power of his magical fish hook.

His name was Lance.

But without her heart Te Fiti began to crumble , giving birth to a terrible darkness! Lance had tried to escape but was then confronted by another who seeker her heart, Te Ka!

He was a demon of Earth and Fire! Lance was struked from the sky. Lance was never to be seen again. His magical fish hook and the heart of Te Fiti were lost to the sea. Where even now a thousand years later Te Ka and the demons of the deep still hunt for it. Hiding in a darkness that will continue to hunt us.

Scaring away our fish and draining the life from the islands until everyone of us is gone from the blood thirsty JAWS OF DEATH!"

Coran looked down at the children where only Keith smiled and the rest looked deeply traumatized. Coran smiled and his voice became gentle.

"But one day, the heart will be found by someone who has journeyed beyond our reif, find Lance and deliver him across the great ocean to restore the heart of Te Fiti. What then will save us a-"

"Woah there Coran. Thank you but that's enough of that. "

Keith looked up and ran to his older brother the chief Shiro.

"Big Bro! Big Bro!"

The young male picked him up and bopped the child's nose earning a giggle in return.

"No one ventures beyond this island. We're safe here after all. There isn't any darkness and there isn't any monsters out there."

His hand suddenly hit a bunch of scrolls that opened up millions of pictures of monsters. Everyone screamed in horror but Coran screamed the loudest and the girliest.

"Okay guys! There is no monsters out there! I promise, we're safe here. The only things beyond this island are storms and water and danger. Please just calm do-"

He was then pushed down my Coran who was giving him the deadliest glare.

"Don't doubt my teachings black. "

Shiro glared at Coran playfully.

"Oh really well-"

Paying no attention to that Keith sneaked away to the island coast. Walking he saw the beautiful sea gleaming by the sun.

He then noticed a turtle who needed help. Keith grabbed the leaf and started beating the birds with it so the turtle could go to the ocean.

There was a new energy once it did though. The water currents pushed a red shell to him.
Keith stared at it in wonder. As he picked it up he noticed more and more shells.

They finally came to stop. The water sprung to life playing with the violet eyed boy's hair. The water left a red flower in it.

Giggling Keith noticed a green rock in clear water. His baby hand reached out to grab it. He observed it carefully and traced the design with his fingers.


A worried voice yelled out to him. The ocean hurriedly had fixed him up to go back to land.

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